Saturday, February 16, 2013

Pine Derby car race 2013

Sam's RA group at church holds an annual Pine car derby race.  This was Sam's first year to participate.  He was excited about it.  We did not have much advance notice, so the car had to be completed in just a couple of days.  I think Kirk and Sam did an awesome job in the amount of time that they had.  

here they are sanding the car LATE one night (just a couple of nights before the event) to get the process started

Each grade competed against each other---  Sam's car came in 2nd place overall in his grade!!  woo hoo!
All of the kids got a ribbon--  Sam's was for best "Hot Rod" category!
I had to work on this particular weekend so I had to miss the whole event.  Kirk took the kiddos and got video for me so that I could see it.
Congrats my sweet boy!!!  Wish I could have been there to cheer you on---  but I know that Daddy and Molly cheered extra loud to help make up for my cheers!  I am so happy you had sucha good time and I am so very very proud of you!!!