Thursday, February 21, 2013

do you need an explaination?

thanks mom for the pic!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

flash forward

 I am a little scared....
  I have just seen my life 14 years into the future
 Molly--- sweet
all grown up

Molly is all girl--- a rough and tumble, prissy, frilly sparkling girl.  She loves to wear all things pink, frilly, full of glitter-- and be barefooted.  She loves to dress up-- and change her outfit several times throughout the day.  She prefers ruffled skirts to jeans and pants.  She NEEDS to wear "pink sparkly lipstick" and bright nail polish.  She loves to watch me put on my make-up.  She loves to wear powder, and always wants more.  Occasionally I will make her day by putting on a little eyeshadow-- you know the kind that you can't tell that you are wearing it?  One day she just begged and begged me.  Her hair was already "all dolled up".   I had a weak moment, those beautiful blue eyes batted at me one too many times I guess.  I put make up on her-- I was her hero, she thought she was "beautiful"~ ~  I almost cried--- and  I vowed not to put mascara on those beautiful long eyelashes of hers ~ ~  ever again. 

Monday, February 18, 2013

ahhhh, peace

I have no other words....

Sunday, February 17, 2013

just a reminder

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Pine Derby car race 2013

Sam's RA group at church holds an annual Pine car derby race.  This was Sam's first year to participate.  He was excited about it.  We did not have much advance notice, so the car had to be completed in just a couple of days.  I think Kirk and Sam did an awesome job in the amount of time that they had.  

here they are sanding the car LATE one night (just a couple of nights before the event) to get the process started

Each grade competed against each other---  Sam's car came in 2nd place overall in his grade!!  woo hoo!
All of the kids got a ribbon--  Sam's was for best "Hot Rod" category!
I had to work on this particular weekend so I had to miss the whole event.  Kirk took the kiddos and got video for me so that I could see it.
Congrats my sweet boy!!!  Wish I could have been there to cheer you on---  but I know that Daddy and Molly cheered extra loud to help make up for my cheers!  I am so happy you had sucha good time and I am so very very proud of you!!!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Boosterthon 2012

Sam's school is a part of the Boosterthon for fund raising.  It was Nov. 1st- first thing in the morning.  I am not sure whose idea it was to have a fun run bright and early the day after Halloween, but it was an interesting day none the less.  The kids were tired from not only a late night of trick or treating, but also on the down side of a major post Halloween sugar rush.
Sam was up for the challenge though---  he was determined to run all the laps...

he needed a little water break along the way, but he kept going, never stopping even as he sipped his drink...
Daddy, Molly and I cheered him on every time he went through the giant tunnel
he was like the energizer bunny...
he kept going and going and going
time for a high five from daddy, Molly and me
and LOOK------  He did it...  all 35 laps
but did that stop him?!  NO---  he just kept on running.  He completed the 35 laps quickly, one of only a handful, who ran that quickly--- he still had like 14 minutes left to go--- so he continued on the whole time.  Here he is showing one of his buddies that he got all of his laps completed.
The Boosterthon was done, check out that sense of accomplishment on that precious face!!!!
Congrats Sam---  we are soo very very PROUD of you!!!  way to give it your BEST!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

"officer" aunt leigh

It all started last summer.  Aunt Leigh got into the program to become a police officer.  We were able to see (and test) her handcuffs at that time. 

Now--- flash forward to December.  Aunt Leigh flew through her officers training--- it was a lot of hard work and dedication.  we are so proud of her!

Congrats Aunt Leigh----  we are all safer now that you are on the force!!!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Happy New Year 2013

WOW!!!  It is already 2013!!!
We celebrated with my bro and family.  It was very late and we put Molly to bed at my parents house.  Sam got to stay up with the "big" kids.  He stayed up til almost 3am---  and was going strong!!!  He thought he was big stuff that is for sure.  I was impressed at how well he held up.  We were all sitting around chatting, it was about 12:30 am.  He was having a good time with Ethan (he was really taken with Ethan!) I don't remember what they were talking about, but he was having a great time.  I just had to get a few shots of those precious smiles and giggles.  i just love to see that smile on that boy!

look how photogenic these people (my bro and sis in law) are-- even at 12:30am!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Merry CHRISTmas...again

Merry Christmas  2012
We were not able to celebrate CHRISTmas with my family until New Years Eve because my brother and his family were able to take an awesome cruise vacation over CHRISTmas.  It was so good to see the family. It was a whirlwind of a visit-- we celebrated Christmas Eve, Christmas, New Years Eve and New years all in less than 24 hours!!  
We started with our tradition of a Chinese dinner---  can't have CHRISTmas with out Chinese food, this has been a tradition since at least the 80's-- it might be longer, I am not sure though-- I just remember it from high school for sure.
After dinner we came back and prepared for the mountains of gifts to be unveiled.  

Before the festivities began I took this picture---look at how great this picture with my niece, my mom and my baby girl is--I love it!
The littles got to open their gifts first--- Molly got some new jewels
Sam got in a little trouble that night... there was a lot of energy, a lot of excitement and my dad was consoling him.  They are such great pals!
Dad got the traditional gift-- a desk calendar-- yet again another tradition at Christmas--
and my pretty mama
Sam got a new piano (molly did too) from their aunt and uncle---  Ethan was so good to cheer him on as he made the most obnoxious beautiful music!
We had quite the spread to eat after the gift opening--- it was our New Years Eve smorgasbord.  What a fabulous family!
hey look--- I am a part of this special family too!! :)
My niece made the cutest cupcakes for sam and Molly (and all of us to enjoy!) YUM
It was midnight, it was time to celebrate---  I will only share 1 photo...
no haters ---please!

Saturday, February 09, 2013

our friend remained... forever!!!!

Dec 30, 2012---  our poor pathetic snowman lasted (in some way) for 5 whole days so far!!!!
he is now long gone---  may he rest in peace!!!