Saturday, August 06, 2011

green eggs and ham, Sam I am

Sam likes Dr Seuss, much like most kids his age. He especially likes THIS one:Greenegg.gif
I know, I know, it is something about not wanting to eat things and well let's face it, it has his name on almost every page in this story.
I was trying to figure out what we were going to have for supper one night, Sam heard me talking to myself pondering and made a sweet little suggestion: "let's have green eggs and ham!!" Well, I did not have any ham on hand, BUT I did have stuff to make pancakes and eggs. Add a little green food coloring and wa la-- green eggs, but why stop there? So, I also added the food coloring to the pancake batter.
It was fun, I was the "cool mom" once again. But, I gotta be honest with you, green eggs, well, they are not the most appealing foods out there... I can now understand why Sam I am did not want to try them. It was fun though--- the kids loved it, especially the fact that their food was green with their names written on it. Next time I might go with a more pleasant color though :)

Friday, August 05, 2011

while I was on the phone...

A few weeks ago, I was on a very important phone call, it was a call that I had to make (regarding our new freezer). I told the kids I did not care what they did as long as they were really quiet. Unfortunately they listened to me...

a little too well.
they were VERY good.
VERY quiet.
VERY busy.
VERY messy...
This is the view I had when I hung up from my 45 minute (very frustrating) callI knew they were going up and down stairs a lot, I could see that they were bring down toys and lots of backpack loads of items. I did NOT realize they had dumped almost every tub of play food, stuffed animals, dress-up clothes etc out and were bringing it down. and placing it in front of the front door. I am not sure what was going on on their little minds, but I do enjoy seeing Elmo propped so nicely in the shopping cart as though in charge of the whole organized chaos.
Like I said, I saw them doing it, I watched them from the corner of my eye, BUT I did not say a word, not a peep---
they were working together.
side by side.
only speaking in whispers.
And this is what I needed.
Until my call was over....

Thursday, August 04, 2011

night night- sleep tight

One of my favorite things to do at night is check in on the kids just before heading to bed myself. I love to see their sweet, peacefulness. They are so energetic and loud during the day that it is a nice change of pace to see.
I also like to see the unique positions they are in while asleep. One night they are in a ball, the next half of their body is hanging off the bed etc.
Neither of my kids fall asleep very quickly. They are usually pretty good, but there is a lot of talking and singing and talking and singing that will occur for a good 1-2 hours after bedtime.
The other night, Kirk went up and saw this and quickly called me up to see.Molly had gotten all of her "friends" and managed to have them positioned all around her, face up, starting at her feet and ending with "Elmo loves you" at her side. Notice the Elmo book beside her? I am pretty sure she probably "read" that book to her friends prior to falling asleep. Then Kirk pointed out Pablo. Poor Pablo, apparently he was not a good friend for he was booted from the party--- tossed out of the bed and laying face down. I did ask her about it the next morning, I asked why he was on the floor... she said he was "bad" hmmm, wonder what really went down?!? ha!
And just because I love they way they look while sleeping, I had to take this picture of Sam the same night.