Tuesday, August 10, 2010

take me out to the ballgame....

Take me out to the ballgame, buy me some water, hot dogs and 7-up
I don't care if I can't watch the game for it's root root root for the mascot,
if he won't sign it's a shame, for its 1, 2,3 hugs from Deuce at the old ball game.
We headed out to the ball park on Thursday night. Sam was pretty excited. He had several goals for the game, 1) to eat there, 2) see his friend Jessica, and 3) hug Deuce the mascot.
He got a hat at the ballgame, all the big kids were getting theirs signed by Deuce. Sam did not quite understand this ritual, but he did it anyway. Poor thing, he was right there in front but for a second, then all those big kids just pushed him out of the way. He looked at me with a questioning look, I kind of nudged him forward and was proud of the way he stuck in there holding his hat out and not giving in to the pushers and shovers :) Deuce signed his hat, he thought it was neat, but looked at me and said "but mommy, I want to HUG him!" I said alrighty, let's do it, but we have to wait our turn. So he stood there for a couple of minutes while all the kids got their hats signed, and then it was time, he was there in front of Deuce. Sam stood there just looking up at him, in AWE of him. He sort of froze almost as if in unbelief that he could actually hug this awesome mascot. I said go ahead Sam, and then he gave Deuce a big old hug with a HUGE smile on his face. Precious, I say, just precious!!!
Sam, showing off his newly signed hatthis is my happy boy walking back to our seats, he was holding my hand and skipping all along the way
Daddy and SamSam and mommy


Anonymous said...

Cute! Cute! Cute! Your a poet and don't know it!