Monday, August 16, 2010

The chimney sweep

We went over to my parent's house for supper. Kirk and my dad were in the den working on my dad's computer, Sam was on the couch watching a cartoon and mom and I were in the kitchen cleaning the dishes. Molly was doing what Molly normally does... running around trying to see what sort of mess she could make. AND THEN, it got quiet, I looked out and saw that she was holding something, when she saw me looking her way she quickly put what she was holding into the fireplace. I then saw THIS:That little girl managed to pull out a log from the gas log set and carry it over to the tv stand. (but not without dropping ash on the carpet as well) I gasp, quickly grab her to prevent her from touching anything, sit her on the counter in order to clean her up... BUT WAIT, the thought crosses my mind... we need a picture of this. and here ya go......