Sunday, August 15, 2010

Alice in wonderland

We went back to the same Enormous, exquisite hotel that we went to last year for the events of the summer. Last year I took only Sam, this year, I had them both... but poor Faye, she had a THREE of hers :) Last year the theme was TRAINS, this year it was Alice in wonderland. Last year the balloon man was there, this year the same guy was there!!! There was a train in the beginning though...Sam loved this thing. He told everyone that he loved the "monsterd" (monster) I don't think it is a monster, but not sure what else it could be :)Molly enjoyed all of the characters that we saw, monsterd includedSam liked everything we saw... everything BUT the Queen. he did not mind her, but he did not really want to be around her either. She was big and boisterous so I think she might have come along a little strong for the kids. Seems she was everywhere that we were...She saw Sam here and she waved her wand and ordered Sam to have a good time that nightHe did not quite get this practice of wand wishingand then hid behind his new balloon as she was barking orders when she left him...Next we ran into the Rabbit. Molly Loved him and stared in awe of him (much like Sam did the night before in front of Deuce)The decorations were so cool all through the hotel atrium. The tea cups looked like a good spot for a photo op.... Hey, we got 3 of the 5 kids looking at us, not too bad if you ask me! (Mitchell has an excuse, he was buckled in the stroller...)Molly is an antagonist. she enjoys this role that she plays so well. I caught her pestering Hanna... She was bopping her in the head with her balloon. I LOVE the look on Hanna's face here. (and Molly's look of pure joy) As mentioned, Molly knows what she is doing, and does it well. Look whose face pops up in the middle of the picture I was taking of Sam and Hanna?!Guess Hanna didn't want Molly to win... what is good for the goose...It was a long day, the kids did pretty well, there was a parade (which we sort of missed and ended up in the back of) and fireworks. Sam really enjoyed watching these. What fun it is to be able to enjoy evenings out with our friends!