Thursday, August 26, 2010

sign up for the Chili’s email club! Just for signing up, you’ll receive a coupon valid for FREE Chips & Queso– with the purchase of an entree! Plus, you can score a bonus coupon for a FREE brownie Sundae with the purchase of an entree. ummmm…. have you seen their brownie sundaes?! Yum! :D

Chili’s really is stepping up their game! Not ONLY did I receive a FREE Chips & Queso coupon and Brownie Sundae coupon, but I just checked my inbox and in my Welcome email from Chili’s was a FREE appetizer with the purchase of an entree coupon! Wahoo! I think for the next couple weeks I’ll be treating myself and the fam to some yummy outings at Chili’s!

Monday, August 16, 2010

The chimney sweep

We went over to my parent's house for supper. Kirk and my dad were in the den working on my dad's computer, Sam was on the couch watching a cartoon and mom and I were in the kitchen cleaning the dishes. Molly was doing what Molly normally does... running around trying to see what sort of mess she could make. AND THEN, it got quiet, I looked out and saw that she was holding something, when she saw me looking her way she quickly put what she was holding into the fireplace. I then saw THIS:That little girl managed to pull out a log from the gas log set and carry it over to the tv stand. (but not without dropping ash on the carpet as well) I gasp, quickly grab her to prevent her from touching anything, sit her on the counter in order to clean her up... BUT WAIT, the thought crosses my mind... we need a picture of this. and here ya go......

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Alice in wonderland

We went back to the same Enormous, exquisite hotel that we went to last year for the events of the summer. Last year I took only Sam, this year, I had them both... but poor Faye, she had a THREE of hers :) Last year the theme was TRAINS, this year it was Alice in wonderland. Last year the balloon man was there, this year the same guy was there!!! There was a train in the beginning though...Sam loved this thing. He told everyone that he loved the "monsterd" (monster) I don't think it is a monster, but not sure what else it could be :)Molly enjoyed all of the characters that we saw, monsterd includedSam liked everything we saw... everything BUT the Queen. he did not mind her, but he did not really want to be around her either. She was big and boisterous so I think she might have come along a little strong for the kids. Seems she was everywhere that we were...She saw Sam here and she waved her wand and ordered Sam to have a good time that nightHe did not quite get this practice of wand wishingand then hid behind his new balloon as she was barking orders when she left him...Next we ran into the Rabbit. Molly Loved him and stared in awe of him (much like Sam did the night before in front of Deuce)The decorations were so cool all through the hotel atrium. The tea cups looked like a good spot for a photo op.... Hey, we got 3 of the 5 kids looking at us, not too bad if you ask me! (Mitchell has an excuse, he was buckled in the stroller...)Molly is an antagonist. she enjoys this role that she plays so well. I caught her pestering Hanna... She was bopping her in the head with her balloon. I LOVE the look on Hanna's face here. (and Molly's look of pure joy) As mentioned, Molly knows what she is doing, and does it well. Look whose face pops up in the middle of the picture I was taking of Sam and Hanna?!Guess Hanna didn't want Molly to win... what is good for the goose...It was a long day, the kids did pretty well, there was a parade (which we sort of missed and ended up in the back of) and fireworks. Sam really enjoyed watching these. What fun it is to be able to enjoy evenings out with our friends!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Sunday morning

It was Sunday morning.
The kids baths were done.
Their chairs were brought into our bedroom.
They were cold so a blanket was applied.
Sunday clothes were on the bed waiting until after
Gourmet breakfast (poptarts) was served.

They enjoy family bonding on Sunday mornings before churchSo do we!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

take me out to the ballgame....

Take me out to the ballgame, buy me some water, hot dogs and 7-up
I don't care if I can't watch the game for it's root root root for the mascot,
if he won't sign it's a shame, for its 1, 2,3 hugs from Deuce at the old ball game.
We headed out to the ball park on Thursday night. Sam was pretty excited. He had several goals for the game, 1) to eat there, 2) see his friend Jessica, and 3) hug Deuce the mascot.
He got a hat at the ballgame, all the big kids were getting theirs signed by Deuce. Sam did not quite understand this ritual, but he did it anyway. Poor thing, he was right there in front but for a second, then all those big kids just pushed him out of the way. He looked at me with a questioning look, I kind of nudged him forward and was proud of the way he stuck in there holding his hat out and not giving in to the pushers and shovers :) Deuce signed his hat, he thought it was neat, but looked at me and said "but mommy, I want to HUG him!" I said alrighty, let's do it, but we have to wait our turn. So he stood there for a couple of minutes while all the kids got their hats signed, and then it was time, he was there in front of Deuce. Sam stood there just looking up at him, in AWE of him. He sort of froze almost as if in unbelief that he could actually hug this awesome mascot. I said go ahead Sam, and then he gave Deuce a big old hug with a HUGE smile on his face. Precious, I say, just precious!!!
Sam, showing off his newly signed hatthis is my happy boy walking back to our seats, he was holding my hand and skipping all along the way
Daddy and SamSam and mommy

Sunday, August 08, 2010

Let mickey mouse call your kiddo!

Barilla Piccolini Pasta is offering FREE Disney character phone calls for your child! You can chose from Mickey, Minnie, Donald or Goofy.

There are several categories to choose from like good night, good morning, congrats then there are sub categories under each... for example under congrats there is a finishing milk, finishing dinner, sharing, doing well in school etc etc. I think a fun call like this will be just what Sam needs IF he would ever drink MILK!!!!

All you have to do is supply Barilla with your child’s name, occasion for the call and who they should say arranged it. You can preview the message online and set the date and time for them to receive the call! You can schedule as many calls as you want between now and September 20th!