Thursday, April 22, 2010


There are a lot of obsessions and addictions going on in this house:

it does not matter if they are in a magazine
small enough to play withor large enough to ride in
She calls her blanket "winkie"and Elmo "oh-mo"
SUNGLASSES PACIFIERPretty impressed that I have a picture with all 3 of these things in it? Not me, it is not uncommon ha
Sam is all about the bandaid. Any little mark, or thought of a cut it needs to be covered. I kind of miss the last phase he had about bandaids--- he freaked out when he saw them, and wouldn't let me put them on.
My Sister-in-law gave the kids sunglasses. They are now Sam's favorite accessory
This one pretty much goes with out saying, as at least 70% of all the pictures taken of Molly have this ugly green thing in her mouth.
We are working on decreasing the pacifier time that Molly has, it has not been easy on ANY of us, and I have to admit I do give in more than I probably should, but boy is she a sweeter baby with it!!! I do think she has a stash of these things hidden throughout the house. It also doesn't hurt that her big brother likes to give them to her whenever he finds one either. I will think that we are having a good paci-free time and then see her walking around with one in her mouth--- where in the world did she get that? who knows. Then there is this: You know you are an addict find the pacifier attached to the jogging stroller (because you have a habit of losing them and then daring to get upset with your mother for not bringing extras along) and must stop for a quick "fix"


Anonymous said... got on this one quick. Must have worn those swethearts out and they went to bed early.haha