Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Bye Bye Sam and Molly

Release day. This is the day we decided that "Samuel and Molly," our duck friends needed to go off on their own. We made a big deal about it, talked it up for a couple of days saying how they will get to be around all the other ducks and make friends and swim in the big pond. We also talked about how we would be able to and visit them periodically and take them bread etc. So the whole family is on board, Sat is the day. I packed a picnic, the whole nine yards. Well, it was not quite the smooth transition we had expected. It was COLD, it drizzled on us, there were people out fishing (we had hoped we could do this a little more privately :) ) And, oh yeah, the ducks would not move. We initially tried to coax the other Mallards over to us with our bread. They did not want to come. (guess they had just had lunch ha) we could not get them to come for anything. Then FINALLY the UGLY ducks came over. We gave them bread, and introduced them to Samuel and Molly. They of course could care less about them-- which I guess is a good thing so we know (or can assume) that they will not try to hurt our little ducks)
Here is Sam and Kirk trying to coax Samuel and Molly into the pond (did I mention they did not want to go into it?)Then Sam telling them where they need to goThey eventually went into the water, we had to go. We went back to check on them a week later. Samuel was there, but we were unable to locate Molly (I am sure she was just looking for dinner when we got there so we just missed her right?!) Samuel the duck came right up to us, I was able to pick him up without him getting upset. I think he might actually miss us :)