Monday, April 26, 2010

The ducks

We have enjoyed our new little house guests. It has been a lot of fun watching them grow and lose that soft downy hair and sprout feathers!! They have gotten too big for the rubbermaid tub we've been keeping them in, but since we did not want them loose in the yard yet (there are areas that they could get out under the fence etc) we allowed them to occupy our new playhouse. I think that they enjoyed it, though the kids couldn't quite understand why they could not play in there too.(that is Molly peeking IN the window)
Sam was pretty good with them. As they have grown, they have also gotten a little more skiddish around people (probably has nothing to do with the fact that a 4 year old chases them with his tricycle or a 1 1/2 year old just chases them screaming at the top of her lungs) So I would have to catch them (before, they would just let the kids get them) and them let the kids hold them. I would talk softly to them and tell them that they were ok -- you know, all the things you do to try and relax a scared duck. Well, I guess Sam realized this was a good way for them to stay on his lap, as I would hear him in a soft, sweet little voice saying, "you are ok" "I won't hurt you" "I'm going to pet you now" etc. so sweet!!It seems the only way we can get Molly to sit down with these guys is to let her feed them some bread. She really thought that that was funThough she thought she should have a treat as well, so e had to watch that she did not "steal" the bread from themLike I said, it is cool to be able to watch these little creatures-- (excuse the picture, we just got back from the zoo, so no, I was not looking my best ha)Kirk wanted the whole transition of keeping ducks to releasing ducks to go smoothly, soo he wanted these guys to go nameless, just call them ducks. Sam decided all on his own to name them. He came up with some really original names..."Samuel and Molly" um, so much for not becoming attached HA