Saturday, February 07, 2009

sweet dreams, my chick-a-dees

When Kirk went upstairs to check on the kiddos before we went to bed last night, this is the sight he saw. Sam is completely sideways in his 'car' bed. I introduced a flat pillow a couple of months ago and he has yet to sleep on it, he is usually just below it or right beside it, but this takes the cake. He has 2 blankets (neither one on him) and all of his "friends" lining the bed (all except Tyrone that is, he is hugging him) from this angle I can not see taggie, though I am sure it is all snuggled up with him with his finger through the yellow tag loop (his favorite)

Here is Molly. She hadn't moved since I placed her there. Notice the pink pacifier in her mouth, as well as a 'spare' green pacifier close by (there is a 3rd somewhere in there too) can never have too many pacifiers (according to Molly) And yes, those of you observant enough to notice... she has FINALLY made it up to her very own room (though I am sure the spare bathroom was quite comfortable). We have all made the transition well. Kirk's fears have come true though, as they are able to wake each other up easier now. Molly has helped Mr. Sam rise and shine early every morning (yay...NOT) Night-Night all


Anonymous said...

Too cute. won't be long and Sam won't fit sideways...time goes too quickly.
Enjoy every moment!