Friday, January 23, 2009

Poor Poor babies

This week our house has been hit by the common cold. For such a small little thing known as the "germ", it sure is mighty powerful !
Kirk initially had the lovely bug and then it passed to both of the kids. I knew Sam wasn't feeling very well because of this scenario:Those of you who know Sam know that he can't sit still for very long, so when he requested a blanket, I knew. All the boy wanted to do was lay on the couch and watch cartoons!
Little Miss molly seemed to have fared the worst. She had been utterly miserable. Unable to breathe through her nose (which is quite a tragedy for someone as addicted to her fooler as she is!) How are you suppose to soothe yourself when you can't suck on the pacifier? Since she never seemed to get better and she started "barking" like a dog I took her to the doctor. Croup was the verdict. hopefully she will be better in the next couple of days. We started her on some steroids to help as well.

now, I am just waiting for my turn. I have been dosing myself with orange juice and vitamins in hopes to avoid this nasty germ!--- but remember~ all you have to do to avoid the illness is wash those hands (it has nothing to do with those sweet little kisses from a germ infested 2 year old-- that HAVE to be planted squarely on the mouth!, or the sweet little sopping wet fingers that go from the baby's mouth straight into mine, or the coughing/sneezing/snotting that is all over my shirt, arms, legs, hands, face, or the breathing of a pathetic ,snoring infant who will only sleep if she is on my chest. naw, that has nothing to do with it... it is solely hand washing! :) right nurses?!