Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Christmas recap

I am finally back up and running. No, my computer wasn't down, my brain was. We have enjoyed a great Christmas and New Year. Kirk has been off and there has been a lot of celebrating (birthday/Christmases/NY etc), eating, family, friends and fellowship. It is amazing to me how fast the vacation time flies by, but when it comes to neglected housework it seems like it was a very long time! ARGHHH!
We were able to spend some time visiting Kirk's parents the weekend before Christmas. no matter what we do, when we leave ,or how tired he is, Sam just will NOT sleep in the car. He is a good boy for most of the trip, just bad later on when he is whiny/tired and overly-energetic. Miss Molly is ok about sleeping in the car, she just doesn't ever want to sleep when we are there. She was better about it this time as compared to Thanksgiving, though for some reason she enjoys me holding her throughout the night. oh well, just makes for a very tired mommy (and daddy too)
I got (had) to work on Christmas Eve night. It was kind of sad being away from my family, but I reminded myself that I was fortunate enough to have healthy babies and did not have to spend Christmas IN the hospital, but I was able to go home and hug and kiss on my sweet babies. I couldn't imagine how difficult that must be to have a sick newborn in the hospital this time of year (any time of year actually) God has truly blessed our family.
Since we don't believe in or do the "santa' thing, I was able to come home after working a busy night and go to sleep. After I got up and showered we had our family Christmas.
On the 26th we went over to my parents house for Christmas. (yes, we managed to celebrate 1 day over the entire week :) ) Sam is really into this whole opening presents thing. He has really enjoyed opening all the wrapped presents (he was even nice enough to open Molly's for her too) and playing with whatever was wrapped (Molly on the other hand really enjoyed the "wrap")We found out how smart he really is as well. While opening gifts from my parents he refused to open the "clothes" shaped boxes, apparently he knew there wasn't fun stuff in any box that looked like that ha ha! After opening all of our gifts we put the kiddos down to bed and then c'puter pa and money ma hosted the FAMILY FEUD. (my dad created a game on his computer and projector) It was a lot of fun! __and we played for REAL cash!! kirk and I played against one another (originally my brother and family were suppose to be here for Christmas this year, but Rod started a new job about a month ago and did not have vacation time so they were unable to come.) It was too bad they couldn't come. We haven't been able to see each other for a while, in fact, they still have not been able to meet Molly yet. It would have been fun to play against them, but then again it was a lot of fun to beat Kirk :).

here are a couple of my favorite Christmas pictures of the kids:

Hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and enjoyed time with your families and friends!