Wednesday, January 28, 2009


last night:

WOW, did the thermometer really say 17 this morning? That makes for a pretty cold morning! The sleet started last night just after my Acteen meeting was canceled for last night and my Bible study was canceled for this morning.(I am really kind of happy about that one though, I was going to have to miss it again since molly still has a runny nose and cough) I know it is dangerous, but it is also so pretty to see. I love to see the shine of the ice that looks like everything is covered in glass. Too bad we don't have any real trees around to see.

here is the side of the brick, notice the protected inner side and the exposed outer side:
the "glass grass"
our shrub brrrr, makes me feel cold to think of being covered in ice!
have no fear, it is suppose to be back to the mid 60's by Friday!! (this winter has really been crazy that is for sure!)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Freebie poll

Ok gang, I know, it seems like all I have been posting lately is how to get FREE stuff, but hey, I figure if it looks good/cool and is easy to do why not share with all of my friends right?! If you don't want to do it you don't have to, but it is there if you do right?! Guess that means you might want to check the site often as you never know what might be free out there today, or don't check it very often as you could care less about the freebies. All this to say.... I will be taking a poll to see what you are really thinking. Check out the poll on the right side of the blog and be sure to "make your voice be heard" (that means VOTE!!! :) )


Yes, yes yes, it is TRUE!! the people at the Dr Pepper site are actually going to give away coupons for a FREE diet DR Pepper. (maybe it is to make up for those of us who never got in for their promotion a while back) Anyway, I don't really care about the reason, I just want to take advantage of it. I just completed this and for now it is working but, I am not sure how long this one is good for, so I would hop on over here now if I were you. You can chose either a free 20 oz or 2 Liter. I bet you can use the coupon on any DP but not sure. will do my best to use it to buy my Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper YUMMY!

Oh, I almost forgot... this freeby was discovered by my sweet hubby (he is always looking out for me :) )

Saturday, January 24, 2009

free Starbucks

ok, all you volunteers out there. all you have to do is tell them that you pledge to volunteer 5 hours of your time for the organization of your choice and they will give you a free coffee. Click here to read the full article. Sorry just found this... it expires on SUNDAY

Friday, January 23, 2009

Poor Poor babies

This week our house has been hit by the common cold. For such a small little thing known as the "germ", it sure is mighty powerful !
Kirk initially had the lovely bug and then it passed to both of the kids. I knew Sam wasn't feeling very well because of this scenario:Those of you who know Sam know that he can't sit still for very long, so when he requested a blanket, I knew. All the boy wanted to do was lay on the couch and watch cartoons!
Little Miss molly seemed to have fared the worst. She had been utterly miserable. Unable to breathe through her nose (which is quite a tragedy for someone as addicted to her fooler as she is!) How are you suppose to soothe yourself when you can't suck on the pacifier? Since she never seemed to get better and she started "barking" like a dog I took her to the doctor. Croup was the verdict. hopefully she will be better in the next couple of days. We started her on some steroids to help as well.

now, I am just waiting for my turn. I have been dosing myself with orange juice and vitamins in hopes to avoid this nasty germ!--- but remember~ all you have to do to avoid the illness is wash those hands (it has nothing to do with those sweet little kisses from a germ infested 2 year old-- that HAVE to be planted squarely on the mouth!, or the sweet little sopping wet fingers that go from the baby's mouth straight into mine, or the coughing/sneezing/snotting that is all over my shirt, arms, legs, hands, face, or the breathing of a pathetic ,snoring infant who will only sleep if she is on my chest. naw, that has nothing to do with it... it is solely hand washing! :) right nurses?!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

free Dr Pepper

Hey all you DP fans out there... here is an opportunity to get a free Dr pepper here
This one will be a WHOLE lot easier to get than the "Free DP from the actual DP site!!"
All you have to do is go to your closest ARBYS and use this coupon with any purchase thru 1-31. I am thinking a nice order of curly fries and FREE DP :) hmmm, krispy kreme yesterday, curly fries today.... no one needs to even ask me how my New year's resolutions are going!!

Signature collection item

click here to receive your free Signature collection item from Bath and Body Works. Receive your free item with coupon with any purchase in the store.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Free Krispy kreme donut TODAY

Today only (Tues 1-20) in honor of inauguration day krispy kreme is giving away a free doughnut just go to the store!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

who me?!

look at what little miss "into everything" got into this week.
Yep, it is a bag of Sam's diapers. She pulled them all out of the of the bag, gnawed on a few of them then... When she realized she was busted, she looked at me with those sweet innocent eyes and started to suck on her thumb as though she had done nothing wrong. Little did she know that by continuing to hold onto the diaper it proved her quilt :)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

all i want for Christmas... a little late

We all know the song... "all I want for Christmas is my 2 front teeth..." Molly asked for it (in her own baby language that no one understands) but apparently even Jolly Saint Nick couldn't understand it because this beauty didn't make it's appearance until 2 days after Christmas
only one tooth has come, but the second front one isn't too far behind.

auntie annes pretzel

Free Suave shampoo

ok everyone out there... here is a free bottle of SUAVE shampoo. be sure to click here to see the details. This is for tomorrow WED JAN 14th ONLY so be sure to register!!!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Boys day out

While on vacation Kirk took Sam out for a special "Boys Only Day" They went to "pump it up". Kirk found out that they actually have one for kids under 3!! PERFECT, so that you don't have to worry about all those "big' kids bullying the little ones. Since it was boys only I made Kirk promise to take pictures :) I guess Sam was not as excited about it as we both thought he would be, bit after a while he warmed up to it and had a good time:

This sweet face says it all!Thanks Daddy for a super fun day! xoxo, SAM

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Christmas recap

I am finally back up and running. No, my computer wasn't down, my brain was. We have enjoyed a great Christmas and New Year. Kirk has been off and there has been a lot of celebrating (birthday/Christmases/NY etc), eating, family, friends and fellowship. It is amazing to me how fast the vacation time flies by, but when it comes to neglected housework it seems like it was a very long time! ARGHHH!
We were able to spend some time visiting Kirk's parents the weekend before Christmas. no matter what we do, when we leave ,or how tired he is, Sam just will NOT sleep in the car. He is a good boy for most of the trip, just bad later on when he is whiny/tired and overly-energetic. Miss Molly is ok about sleeping in the car, she just doesn't ever want to sleep when we are there. She was better about it this time as compared to Thanksgiving, though for some reason she enjoys me holding her throughout the night. oh well, just makes for a very tired mommy (and daddy too)
I got (had) to work on Christmas Eve night. It was kind of sad being away from my family, but I reminded myself that I was fortunate enough to have healthy babies and did not have to spend Christmas IN the hospital, but I was able to go home and hug and kiss on my sweet babies. I couldn't imagine how difficult that must be to have a sick newborn in the hospital this time of year (any time of year actually) God has truly blessed our family.
Since we don't believe in or do the "santa' thing, I was able to come home after working a busy night and go to sleep. After I got up and showered we had our family Christmas.
On the 26th we went over to my parents house for Christmas. (yes, we managed to celebrate 1 day over the entire week :) ) Sam is really into this whole opening presents thing. He has really enjoyed opening all the wrapped presents (he was even nice enough to open Molly's for her too) and playing with whatever was wrapped (Molly on the other hand really enjoyed the "wrap")We found out how smart he really is as well. While opening gifts from my parents he refused to open the "clothes" shaped boxes, apparently he knew there wasn't fun stuff in any box that looked like that ha ha! After opening all of our gifts we put the kiddos down to bed and then c'puter pa and money ma hosted the FAMILY FEUD. (my dad created a game on his computer and projector) It was a lot of fun! __and we played for REAL cash!! kirk and I played against one another (originally my brother and family were suppose to be here for Christmas this year, but Rod started a new job about a month ago and did not have vacation time so they were unable to come.) It was too bad they couldn't come. We haven't been able to see each other for a while, in fact, they still have not been able to meet Molly yet. It would have been fun to play against them, but then again it was a lot of fun to beat Kirk :).

here are a couple of my favorite Christmas pictures of the kids:

Hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and enjoyed time with your families and friends!