Saturday, December 29, 2007

Wow What a week!

This week has gone by super fast! poor Samuel was sick for the beginning. Can you say spoiled?! This was his ritual for several days. Get up, get comfy on the couch (making sure there was a blanket) and watch cartoons! He preferred to sit on our lap, but the pillows behind him were a close 2nd! He is feeling much much better now, that spark and spunk are back. (they were missed!)

My belly "popped" out! no more real clothes... bring on the paneled pants and elastic waists!

Kirk celebrated his birthday on Friday. As an added special gift for him I managed to "customize" the new mom mobile... yep, I somehow ran the side of the car into the entrance of the garage. I dented the front passenger door, the sliding passenger door as well as scratch the paint on both door handles and the door. Thanks to my dad, he was able to buff out a lot of the paint, but I took the shine away. The dents remain and will be fixed soon. My dad and Kirk were able to fix the wood on the garage entrance, now all that needs to be done is a fresh coat of paint. No, I have no excuse, I still don't really know how it happened. It was just me in the car and no, I was not on the phone~ mild TIA I suppose. Sorry, there are no pics of the damage... I don't think I want any reminders ha ha.We had a fast and furious trip to Oklahoma to spend the 23rd and Christmas eve with Kirks family. It was good to see everyone again. Samuel enjoyed uniting with his cousins from Oregon!

Kirk, Sam and I had our family Christmas on Christmas day and then enjoyed a wonderful Christmas meal at my parents' house. After Sam went down for bed, Kirk and I managed to beat my parents once again at hand and foot! I just love that game (especially when I am on the winning team ha ha!)We then had the " traditional Christmas Eve " with my parents on the 26th. It starts with Chinese food, then gift opening. After all the gifts are opened it is snack time, complete with all of the comfort food you can think of! I love family traditions don't you?!I Hope you and yours had a very Merry Christmas, and were able to spend time with family and friends. I also hope you were able to take a little time out of all the hustle and bustle to remember what the real meaning of CHRISTmas is and know that God allowed His one and only Son (Jesus) to be born so that we might all have eternal life with Him.