Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Christmas pics

Last Thursday I was finally able to head to the studio and have Samuel's Christmas picture made (still an awful event) We walk in and all is well, we get to the "set" and boom the tears and clinging begin. He has the death grip around my neck saying "no, no, no" and shaking his head. The photographer was GREAT! did I say GREAT? I meant SUPER GREAT! She let us 'play' around the set and touch everything (only with a couple of fingers though because the rest of his body was still hanging on me) Here are a few of the many shots we got (the rest weren't quite so appealing)ha You can see that he is smiling, but his typical spark is missing!
He since came down with a cold which has turned into bronchitis. Poor little guy, he is pretty miserable. It is sad to say, but Kirk and I have both selfishly enjoyed it a little. All Samuel wants to do is sit on our laps and be held. He has not been this "still" since he was 4 months old! hopefully the antibiotics will kick in and he will be back to his usual wild-man side by the weekend!


Anonymous said...

He looks adorable. Such a cutie patutie!! Hopefully some of these pictures make it to our house.hahaha

Michelle {bsktgirl} said...

too cute!