Friday, December 07, 2007

Play date

Yesterday Samuel and I had a lunch and play date with Faye and Hanna and Alison and Josh. Samuel and Hanna were all over the play land, having no fear as they ran away from us "mommys" in their own little mode of Independence. Josh was not to be left out though... he tried to keep up with the runners by zooming all around on his knees! Way to go Josh!

Here is Josh and Sam... check out Hanna in the background by the big egg.

Notice there is not a picture off all 3 of them? let's just say they did not want to cooperate... They were much too busy to sit still in a coffee mug haha!


Anonymous said...

Maybe a Christmas song would be nice. haha
Not that I am tired of "happy happy joy joy" heehee
Guess who!