Saturday, December 29, 2007

Wow What a week!

This week has gone by super fast! poor Samuel was sick for the beginning. Can you say spoiled?! This was his ritual for several days. Get up, get comfy on the couch (making sure there was a blanket) and watch cartoons! He preferred to sit on our lap, but the pillows behind him were a close 2nd! He is feeling much much better now, that spark and spunk are back. (they were missed!)

My belly "popped" out! no more real clothes... bring on the paneled pants and elastic waists!

Kirk celebrated his birthday on Friday. As an added special gift for him I managed to "customize" the new mom mobile... yep, I somehow ran the side of the car into the entrance of the garage. I dented the front passenger door, the sliding passenger door as well as scratch the paint on both door handles and the door. Thanks to my dad, he was able to buff out a lot of the paint, but I took the shine away. The dents remain and will be fixed soon. My dad and Kirk were able to fix the wood on the garage entrance, now all that needs to be done is a fresh coat of paint. No, I have no excuse, I still don't really know how it happened. It was just me in the car and no, I was not on the phone~ mild TIA I suppose. Sorry, there are no pics of the damage... I don't think I want any reminders ha ha.We had a fast and furious trip to Oklahoma to spend the 23rd and Christmas eve with Kirks family. It was good to see everyone again. Samuel enjoyed uniting with his cousins from Oregon!

Kirk, Sam and I had our family Christmas on Christmas day and then enjoyed a wonderful Christmas meal at my parents' house. After Sam went down for bed, Kirk and I managed to beat my parents once again at hand and foot! I just love that game (especially when I am on the winning team ha ha!)We then had the " traditional Christmas Eve " with my parents on the 26th. It starts with Chinese food, then gift opening. After all the gifts are opened it is snack time, complete with all of the comfort food you can think of! I love family traditions don't you?!I Hope you and yours had a very Merry Christmas, and were able to spend time with family and friends. I also hope you were able to take a little time out of all the hustle and bustle to remember what the real meaning of CHRISTmas is and know that God allowed His one and only Son (Jesus) to be born so that we might all have eternal life with Him.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

the newest family member

Here are the first of many many pictures of our new little one. The above picture is at 9 weeks. The next 2 are at 13 1/2 weeks. What a difference a month makes huh?! In the last picture you can actually see him putting his hand up to his mouth as if to suck his thumb!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Christmas pics

Last Thursday I was finally able to head to the studio and have Samuel's Christmas picture made (still an awful event) We walk in and all is well, we get to the "set" and boom the tears and clinging begin. He has the death grip around my neck saying "no, no, no" and shaking his head. The photographer was GREAT! did I say GREAT? I meant SUPER GREAT! She let us 'play' around the set and touch everything (only with a couple of fingers though because the rest of his body was still hanging on me) Here are a few of the many shots we got (the rest weren't quite so appealing)ha You can see that he is smiling, but his typical spark is missing!
He since came down with a cold which has turned into bronchitis. Poor little guy, he is pretty miserable. It is sad to say, but Kirk and I have both selfishly enjoyed it a little. All Samuel wants to do is sit on our laps and be held. He has not been this "still" since he was 4 months old! hopefully the antibiotics will kick in and he will be back to his usual wild-man side by the weekend!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Samuel has some exciting news

Samuel (along with his mommy and daddy) have decided to finally make our exciting announcement. Not sure if you can read the shirt clearly or not, but it says: "I'm gonna be the BIG brother" (yes, we did a little altering... had to add the gonna be) Though he looks pretty excited, he has not been officially told how his little world will soon be "rocked"
Our new addition should make his/her debut around 6-2-08. We will be 16 weeks along tomorrow. We can not wait to meet this new little miracle and are looking forward to adding to the family!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

...And the stockings were hung by the chimney with care...
It has FINALLY started to cool down a little around here. I don't know about you, but 84 degrees just does not make me think about Christmas! The tree is up and decorated (notice how high all of the ornaments are) and presents are starting to be wrapped and placed under it (so far Sam has only started to unwrap one... it just so happened to be his, I think he liked the Winnie the pooh paper) next step... work on those Christmas cards.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

What has happened to my house?

What a difference a 3 minute period makes. Yep, Sam the tornado is able to completely destroy a clean, organized house in no time flat!! Simply amazing! I have nothing more to say... I must go clean up the family room yet again...

Friday, December 07, 2007

Play date

Yesterday Samuel and I had a lunch and play date with Faye and Hanna and Alison and Josh. Samuel and Hanna were all over the play land, having no fear as they ran away from us "mommys" in their own little mode of Independence. Josh was not to be left out though... he tried to keep up with the runners by zooming all around on his knees! Way to go Josh!

Here is Josh and Sam... check out Hanna in the background by the big egg.

Notice there is not a picture off all 3 of them? let's just say they did not want to cooperate... They were much too busy to sit still in a coffee mug haha!

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Kirk, my Mr. Fix-it

Who knows how, who knows why... Samuel somehow managed to remove one of the rungs out of his crib. Remove, well break it off is more like it. (note where the 3rd rung should be)

Here is the temporary bed Samuel had for a couple of days... he looks thrilled huh?! I am glad Kirk fixed it right away ~ our silly little munchkin was putting his head through the hole while I was setting up his temporary bed. I would have snapped a picture of it but I was afraid he might actually get it stuck there so he was distracted instead ha ha.

Kirk has gotten a lot of practice using his Ultimate glue lately and being just down right handy. As I was putting up the CHRISTmas tree, it started to lean, I thought I could just adjust it, but as I moved it all of the sudden there was a crack and a snap and then a squeal (that was from me) I had completely broken the tree stand. No, this was not the first time the tree stand had been broken and repaired, but this time it was pretty much unrepairable. UGH! now what was I suppose to do? I was so looking forward to getting out the tree and the lights and all that goes with it. My wonderful, wonderful husband quietly gets up, puts on a pair of shoes and goes out to the garage. Upon further investigation on my part I find out that he left (in the middle of a football game mind you) in order to create a new Christmas tree stand for me!! YEAH! Thanks honey!!