Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Have you seen my...?

You just never know where you might find things around our house. Samuel has decided he needs to rearrange things. He puts them in places that I would never imagine... I started finding things throughout the house and thought I should start taking pictures of my discoveries. Here are a few of the things I have found.

Have you seen my brush? It was in Kirk's shoe.

He placed some of his animal crackers in my candles.

my kitchen towel was found in the trash can My sandal was missing for almost a week. Imagine my surprise when I found it in the cupboard that Samuel is allowed to play in.

Baseball gloves anyone?

Where is Samuel? I found this little goblin hiding in the dining room curtains.... I found the feet before I found the boy!


Alison said...

Kelly- he is SUCH a cutie!!! I love this entry, it makes me laugh. Funny thing is, it's my 32 year old husband that misplaces everything around our house!