Saturday, September 29, 2007

Croppin' fun

Last night Alison, Michelle and I were able to spend an evening scrapping at recollections. They have a crop night there on Fri and Sat nights until Midnight. We all had our projects to do, I think both Alison and Michelle were able to finish theirs, I got partially done, but intend on finishing up tonight now that the little guy is asleep. It was really fun to get out and be with my fellow scrapping friends. It even felt like we were doing something we shouldn't because we were able to shop after the store had closed! Poor Michelle came straight form work, she had to have gotten up before 5am, but stayed strong even to the very end!! Maybe the fact that she won a door prize helped give her extra energy! (Alison won one too)

Well, I may not have won a prize, but I did get a treat...

Alright, here is the scoop. Several years ago, we held a garage sale to help raise some money for medical expenses for a friend of ours who's husband was diagnosed with Leukemia. This lovely duck was in the sale (no one knew who donated the duck, we had received many donations from various sources)

My friend Michelle was bound and determined to sell this duck. (Not sure why it was her mission, but it was) In fact everyone who came into the garage was shown the lovely duck, and was told how they needed it in their home. I specifically remember a poor, unsuspecting man who wandered in the garage. He asked us if we had any hunting stuff. Michelle jumped up and said no, but we have a lovely duck, that can be considered hunting stuff right?! Needless to say, after all of her hard work the answer was always the same... "No". Well, a couple of people ran to starbucks for a coffee run, Michelle just so happened to go as well. Perfect, now was my chance. I purchased the duck, for I had a plan for it. When Michelle came back, she was so excited to know that someone had actually purchased such a fine piece of ceramic. Boy, was she surprised when under the Christmas tree (at our annual Bunko Christmas party) there was a gift just for her. There it was, the duck with all it's ducklings full of Christmas chocolates, wanting to go home with Michelle. However, this little duck apparently did not want to stay with her as it showed up around valentines day full of candy just for me(I think it was valentines day?!) Now it is the travelling duck, it goes back and forth for all kinds of events throughout the year. You just never know when it might turn up. My treat was Halloween, only this time there was something different.... it had multiplied. Michelle and Brian had been out shopping on one of their day trips and ran across the smaller version of our favorite friend. Who would have ever guessed that there were 2 of these lovelys out there?!!

Thanks for the sweet surprise Michelle!!


Michelle {bsktgirl} said...

So much fun! Thanks for an awesome night!
Take good care of our little friend until we met again!