Wednesday, August 15, 2012


 We have been waiting, and waiting and waiting for this day.  Sam has been claiming that his teeth have been loose for months now, though it was not true ~~but if you believe, it WILL happen... just ask him!
You see, all of his friends have lost several teeth by now.  And Sam, well, not a wiggle, not a twitch... and then it happened...  Not just 1, not 2, but 4 teeth had a little give to them.  We were so excited and thought he was gonna lose them all right away.  But they just hung on and then 3 teeth had firmed back up again.  Sam had a trip to visit his grandparents for several days and I was sure he would lose that first special tooth there.  Everyone knew not to touch that puppy, and thankfully for me (I know, I am a little selfish)  it remained in his mouth, very loose.  and on Thursday June 21st all of the waiting came to an end.
It was ready.   It was practically wiggling all by itself.

 Kirk was "wiggling" it, and Sam got very, very nervous.  For it seemed the time had come, but had apparently grown fond of this tooth and had decided he wanted to keep it.  So while he was in a mild  panic, and trying to convince Kirk why he should not pull it, Kirk had pulled it and I was dabbing away the blood.  It took him a while to realize that the said tooth was out, gone, vamoosed.
 But he was pretty excited about it once he realized it.  We had to make the calls to the grandparents, he was all grins.
 Plus he couldn't wait for the special person who would sneak into his room and leave him money--  kind of creepy if you ask me, shouldn't this scare a child?  I mean really, a fairy comes in while you are sleeping ---  how do they not have nightmares over this?!
oh well, I guess it was worth it, he made cash and now has a cool hole in his mouth :)


Anonymous said...

Raining here on the Big I am down here out of the rain reading your blog.
Cute pictures and really good commentary. :)