Thursday, August 16, 2012

releasing of Kemp's ridley sea turtles

One of the things I had seen when i was looking for things to do in Corpus Christi was the release of the the sea turtles.  Here is the wiki  and the Padre Island info page.  Apparently there are not very many releases and only a few open to public viewing.  What are the odds that we just happened to be there when it was both a release and open to the public?  I was very excited.  I really wanted to go, Kirk was rather uninterested and the kids, well, they were not really aware of the whole event.

 It was early, very early, too early to be up and about while on vacation, so I was planning on going either by myself or with the kids. But what a good sport Kirk is... he was planning on coming all along :)  See the darkness in the picture above?

We got up, got dressed (in clothes and shoes other than white per the rules) and piled into the car for the 20 minute drive.  We were able to get an ok spot...  thankfully some older people allowed the kids to get in front of them so that they could see.  I could see ok, but not great.  Kirk was able to look over the heads of people...  so that meant it was then his job to take the pictures/video.  He had 1 job to do, and little did I know, he did his job VERY,  VERY well.  He filmed almost the whole time we were there...  Way to go Kirk!!!  so, I will give you a little of what we saw...

It was fun even though it was early.
We saw the sun come up, we felt the warm water splash up on our legs (a little more disturbing to the littles than for me...  but I guess it was going up higher on them than me) and we found sand crabs.
 It was Friday, we had been going long days all day long all week, so it was only natural to have a melt down or 5 before breakfast...  so we all went back home, took a short nap and were able to regroup in order to have a fantastic last day at the beach !!!
see---  check out those precious smiles