Thursday, July 19, 2012

mishap at the petting zoo

Since  school is out and our Bible study is over for the summer, I have set up weekly events/play dates for all of our friends like I did last year.
One of the play dates was at a local farm/petting zoo.  

It is always fun to feed the goats, they love to eat that is for sure!  So hungry in fact, that one took Sam's cup right out of his hand...  poor kid, this occurred minutes after the horse event (see below)  Needless to say, this was just another day in the life of poor Sam.
Molly got a kick out of feeding the goats
But my sweet boy continues to smile even through all of the mishaps (oh, and getting to use my cup of feed doesn't hurt)

The kittens were another grand attraction for all of the kiddos
(Now if only we can convince Kirk to let them have a sweet little kitty)

And now for the event you have all been waiting for---  We had just arrived, our first stop was to see the cute bunnies.  There was a fun, nosy horse who decided to join in on the action.  He was tickling the kids with his wet nose, it was all fun until....

Out of no where, for whatever reason he decides to have a little snack--- and munch on Sam's little arm.  It took me a minute to realize that his screams changed from-- "oh how fun, he is tickling me" to "Ouch, he thinks I am his lunch!" 


Anonymous said...

Poor was funny but I don't think he will think it was. Glad he wasn't hurt.
Sure is great to see some new postings.haha