Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Awesome God- Amazing Power VBS

 July is in full swing and we had our VBS at church last week.  The kids were really so very excited about VBS this year.  Molly especially was looking forward to seeing her friend Nikki who was coming in from out of town like last year.  Molly remembered her from last year and was ecstatic to find out that she would be coming back again.  So cute how a friendship from  1 week at VBS has continued.  I can not wait to see is she continues to have lasting friendships with people as she grows older.
Since Sam just completed Kindergarten he was able to be with all of the 'big kids' again this year and he loved that.  Molly is still in with the little kids, and yet again, Sam loved that ha!
The theme was Awesome God, Amazing Power.  Sam really got into it more this year than years past,  It was neat to see how much he learned (and actually soaked in)  Unlike Sam, Molly usually always knows her stories etc. 
Sam was an active participant too.  Our Associate Pastor (Jody) spoke to the kids each day. Together we sang, said out pledges (to US flag, the Bible and the Christian flag) etc. Jody would then enforce the theme etc.  He would say " I say awesome, you say God..."  I could hear Sam yell God and Power clear across the church!!  It is so fun to see the kids chatter about the events of the day.  I was also corrected several times by Molly as I would accidentally say something like "when we go to church tomorrow..."  I would then hear (ever so sweetly) "No mommy, we are not going to church... we are going to cation Bible school."  Funny how she was able to differentiate the two even though she was in the same room that she is always in for Sunday school and M and M's.

I did not go all crazy with the pictures this year... in fact, I only took a few.  Crazy, I know!

 some video:  I did not go down to Molly's class at all this week (sorry Molly)  These are the songs Sam sang in church on Sunday:

and yet again, gotta have a blast from the past.  I love looking at the same event several years in a row.  I have been teaching VBS a this church since Sam was 1, I took the next year off since Molly was going to be just a couple of weeks old and I was recovering from a c-section.  I do not have any pictures from my first year.  I was sure I had blogged about each of these years, but could only find one from 2011.

2011  here and here
