Monday, July 18, 2011

New York City take 1

We have gone back and forth to NYC everyday this past week. (and let me tell you, we are EXHAUSTED!!!) ha.This year's theme for VBS was "The Big Adventure"I love VBS and our church does a fantastic job! This year I was in the snack section and prepared snacks for 3rd and 4th grade kids. It was so fun! I loved being able to see all of the kids each day and hearing the things that they liked about the day as well as listening to them pray and recite their memory verses.
Sam got to be a part of the "big kids" this year. He is old enough to join in with all the kids, and he LOVED it!!! (he also loved the fact that Molly had to stay in the "little kid" section ha)He had one tough day, but other than that he had a great week. He loved every aspect of VBS. He could not seem to remember everything he learned right after VBS, but a few hours later he could give me the play by play of everything! It is so neat to hear the Bible stories etc from the perspective of a 5 year old.

When you volunteer to help with VBS your littles get to go as well, so Molly thought she was a big kid just because she got to go. She loved taking her backpack and her lunch box and insisted on carrying them herself, everyday...and of course, she had to twirl and twirl and twirl with them, everyday, both with drop off and pick-up...She met a new friend this week. Her name is Nikki. Nikki is the little blond next to Molly. Molly was quite taken with her. I just had to meet this little girl as all we heard about each day was "Nikki was there" "Nikki sang songs" "Nikki played ..." So cute!! I found out she was the granddaughter of some friends of ours, when I told them how taken with Nikki Molly was she they told me that Nikki was quite excited about Molly's friendship as well. Apparently Nikki was having a hard time when being dropped off, but Molly would run and greet her yelling "Nikki" and hug her and all was well with the world again. Molly is very good with names and faces. She knew everyone in her class. In fact, when we were watching the video of her singing she asked me where "X,Y,Z" (she named like 5 people) were as they were not in the video. It was hard to say good-bye to NY, but we must get back to life in Texas. It was fun and I can not wait to see what adventure we will have next year!!!!