Sunday, June 12, 2011

God's beautiful promises

We have had a lot of crazy big storms here lately. Tornadoes, hail, 80 MPH winds. But God has kept us safe, and the sun has always come out. We have been looking for rainbows all spring. It has been great to talk about what a rainbow really is and God's promise behind it. I know that the kids still don't quite grasp it, but they do know that our God is powerful, faithful and true. He keeps us safe, and keeps His promises.

It was ugly as we were driving home from church a couple of weeks ago. The sky was very dark in the East and sunny in the West and it was raining on us. Sam looked out the window and said "I see a rainbow!!" I looked over and sure enough, there it was. A. full .rainbow. We saw where it started and where it ended. I pulled the car over we looked at it and of course the kids sang the rainbow song- then sang it again and again and again... oh and then they sang it again...
Isn't our God good?!