Friday, June 10, 2011

But Mama, I am hungry AND tired!!!

We were all playing in the playroom upstairs. I got a phone call and was talking on the phone, Molly went missing... and was quiet... too quiet. I could here movement of some sort, but couldn't figure out what is was, or where it was coming from. I assumed (I know, I know, bad thing to do with Molly) that she was just playing in the hallway at the top of the stairs with the toys she had just recently dragged out there, but I did not see her there. I could hear something again, but still no Molly, I looked down the hall and into her room, then Sam's room. Uh oh I thought, what could she possibly be into... too quiet for too long. then I looked over the balcony and saw a cute little sight... unusual, but cute...
but why is the camera ALWAYS in the spot just past the child, so that you have to disrupt them by getting it?!... I digress.....
Apparently she was tired AND hungry... so she solved both issues at once. She had taken it upon herself to open up the cheerios container and fill up her cup (but not before spilling the cheerios all over the floor--- which she 'attempted' to clean up as to not show that she had made a mess :) ) grabbed her beloved blanket, headed to the bottom step and laid down. Then she munched on the cheerios in this horizontal position. and giggled when asked what she was doing!!!