Friday, December 10, 2010

supersize it---

I am so glad I recently chose to go with the GIANT box of kleenex boxes, I did not, however, plan on using them all in less than a week though.... (um, off topic, and I thought about cropping it out when I first noticed it, then I thought it just fit -- do you think I need new socks? :) )

Yes, the bug has hit our house. Molly started with a little cough, then a croupy cough and stuffy, runny nose. Poor girl is not a pleasant sick person. (who am I kidding? she is not a pleasant well person ha ) I am just glad she is starting to feel a little better, ONLY to pass along her sweet germs to ME!!! UGH. She apparently had a "headache" and thought the nemo ice pack would help. (not sure if it did or didn't, but she did keep it on there for quite a while!!) Oh yeah, and did I mention, EVERYTHING is more tolerable when you have elmo by your side :)Sam has been a good little trooper--- apparently his "throat was broke" (sore throat) on Monday, but it has been fine since. Since Molly WILL NOT have anything to medicine (liquid, pills, fast melts... it does not matter) Sam will show her how to swallow medicine. He is so good to her. He just swallows it down and says "look Mowlly, just do it like dis" she then promptly says "oh, ok" but then quickly changes her mind and goes into convulsions... Hopefully this bug will completely bypass Kirk (yeah, right--- good luck there buddy ha) I gotta tell ya, I do not wish this on my enemies (um, do I have any of those?)