Sunday, December 05, 2010

sam sings

ok, here it is, that proud mama moment. Sam and his M&M group from church got to sing in "big church" today. here ya go:

I am the teacher for the kindergarten class, so I had to be up front to "assist" my camera man (Kirk) was only there for the first service. The kids sang for both services. Too bad Sam and Jessica weren't in the front row until the second service. You could see them so much better then. --- maybe Jessica's mommy got it on video for me :)

His little group sang in front of the church a few weeks ago for a Thanksgiving missions meal. That left them with only 3 times to learn these songs--- I thought they did pretty well.
I was also pretty impressed that Sam did some of the hand motions. I asked him why he doesn't ever do the motions, he just told me it was because he did not like to. (ask a dumb question, get a dumb answer)