Sunday, June 27, 2010

Hoppy Booday baby!!!

Wow, 2 whole years. We are starting to enter the "terrible twos" with little Miss Molly. I am guessing they certainly CAN'T be any worse than the first 2 years, but we shall see.
It has been fun to watch Molly with toys lately. She really did not have a lot of interest in them (except ELMO) until her birthday. She has a few little baby dolls, and let me just tell you... she carries them EVERYWHERE. it is so fun to watch her with them. I wasn't sure she was going to like dolls and "girly things" but I can see now that she is.
Molly loves to talk! She jabbers all of the time and will repeat everything you say. It is so fun to say words and watch her say them in her sweet little voice. She can sing the alphabet song and counts to 11. (she loves to count the beads on my new necklace) She is still as busy as ever and enjoys pestering her brother. She has mastered running, jumping, dancing and climbing. Her favorite food is no longer banana's but strawberries instead. She has stepped out of her comfort zone and actually likes grapes (if in the mood) and has been known to eat a couple of bites of peaches. A vegetable of any sort has yet to be swallowed nor has milk. She is a very good eater, though it had better something she likes, or else she can be as stubborn as a mule (hmmm, seems to run in the family) Elmo is still the end all be all, but she is also very attached to her yellow blanket and of course the "green friend" pacifier. it has been rough (on all of us0 but we have managed to only have her pacifier during nap and night time (unless it is needed for some other reason--ie a long drive without a nap etc) She has an adorable giggle and her eyes just light up when she laughs. She is very attached to "mawmee" but is starting to call out to "dadteee" a little bit. She is a very good hugger, but very stingy with her kisses. She loves to go outside to play and prefers a shower over a bath. She loves bubbles, but hates them in the tub. She loves to color, and can find pens, pencils, crayons everywhere. She is very interested in puzzles, but gets very frustrated when they do go the way she wants the first time around-- and therefore she just throws the pieces across the room. She weighs in at a whopping 24 pounds (25th %) Wow, this has been a very LONG two years, yet it also seemed to fly by. It is hard to believe my baby is getting so big. Happy Birthday baby girl!!! I love you