Sunday, December 20, 2009

What?! it is almost CHRISTmas?

And the stockings were hung by the chimney with care...

Um, ok, so like it just occurred to me that CHRISTMAS is this Friday. Friday, like less than a week away!!! Wow, how did it sneak up on me so fast?

I thought I was WAYYY ahead of the ballgame as we celebrated Christmas with my family when my brother and his family came in for Thanksgiving.

But I guess it just went to my head because it has gone downhill from there.

See full size image
I was delayed in getting the tree and decorations done (I think that since I usually get them up earlier I thought I had more time)
Our Sunday school class Christmas party was late (last night)
Yeah, other than that, I don't really know why, but I am now SOOO far behind...
kirk's birthday is TOMORROW and because I thought I had more time for Christmas, I thought I had more time for his birthday.

What are you so behind you might ask? well, it is Dec 20th and where do you think my Christmas cards are?

yup, you guessed it, they are sitting right here next to me, all unlabeled and NOT ready to go. Woman Hurrying with a Shopping Cart I have no stamps and I think I still have a few gifts to buy and I definitely have gifts to wrap...UGH! I am counting on my friend AMAZON, i ordered something for Kirk last week and supposedly it should be here on 12/24!!! (whew, that is what I call cutting it close!)
What is done you might ask?! well, my closet has been purged and cleaned out (and looks sooo
much better I might add)

my pantry is more organized, the humongous clothes pile is now ironed and put away. The goodwill pile is now at goodwill. The kids are clean and well fed (well, at least they eat cheese) and of course... the BLOG is UPDATED (priorities my friends/priorities ha)

MERRY CHRISTMAS -- gotta go and finish up! I have less than a week :)


Michelle {bsktgirl} said...

Thanks for the little 'present' you left @ work! :)
Merry Christmas!