Wednesday, October 21, 2009


The kids truly do like each other. Sam of course, has always been Molly's favorite person in the whole world. It is funny how while Sam is in class she can me moaning and fussing all morning, but as soon as the door opens and he climbs into view she just lights up and smiles and giggles.
Sam seems to be pretty protective of Molly and always keeps tabs on her. He knows where she is at all times and tends to really be concerned when he asks "where Ma-wee?"
These two have learned to play hide and seek with each other. Their version is a little different in that Sam ALWAYS hides and Molly ALWAYS finds him. (it does help that he usually hides in the same 2 places)
They also enjoy wrestling one another. Sam does tend to forget that Molly is just 1 and not quite as strong as he is, but then again that might be part of the fun right?! He can push her around, knock her down etc and does she cry about it?! NO!! she just giggles and giggles. Molly has recently leaned that she too can "attack". If Sam is laying on the floor in any way (back/side/belly) she will just PLOP right on top of him. (and of course the 2 of them just giggle and giggle and giggle :)
The attack:
The "let me touch your face to show you I got you"The Yes, I do love you, Let's hug:The "OK, get off me, it's my turn to attack":