Friday, October 23, 2009

Rain drops keep falling on my head

WoW!! to say that it has been raining here is an understatement. It is amazing how one year we can have drought and then a couple years later have so much rain in a season! I love the rain, don't get me wrong. I love the way it smells, I like that I don't have to water the grass and flowers, I like that it has brought in some cooler weather (can you sense what is coming next?) BUT why so much all at one time?! It has been raining or drizzling for like 4 weeks here. Seriously almost EVERY single day. If you don't believe me, just look at my header, it is almost the end of October and there is still no pumpkin/fall pictures of the kids yet! Why? because of the rain. It has prevented us from going to the pumpkin patch. The state fair came and went and were we there? No sir-ee bob. Hopefully tomorrow I will be able to change this, we are suppose to go to the patch (barring no more rain or sickness)--- oh yeah, did I mention that it was a BEAUTIFUL day last Fri- sunny and perfect, we were suppose to meet our friends at the patch... did it happen? Nope, Sam came down with a fever of 102.5. Although he acted his same energetic self, there is this little bug running around out here called the swine flu (not sure if any of you have heard about it or not) so, to make sure that 1) he wasn't sicker than he acted and 2) he did not infect other children with whatever he had, we stayed home HUGE BUMMER.
Whew, wow, I must not of gotten all my 10,000 words out today, that was quite a lead in to say: "look what we did while it rained outside"

Molly was finished sooner than Sam, apparently they taste as good as they look
and of course the high chair needed a little color as wellJust one of many of Sam's masterpieces