Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Boomerang Express

G'day Mate!
Last week we have all been at VBS (Vacation Bible School). The program was called the boomerang express, which had an "Australian" theme. I REALLY enjoyed going, it has been a REALLY long time since I was last at a VBS (I think I enjoyed it just as much as the kiddos, if not more) I was in charge (with a few other people) of a large group of 2nd graders. The first day we started off with 15-- several of the kids brought friends along with them and they have all come back :) The biggest class we had was 21. gotta tell you, it is a lot of kids to keep track of and learn names!
I think there are several reasons why I enjoyed it so 1) They are in 2nd grade. 2)It was a group of really sweet kids. 3)They listened 4) They did what was asked of them 5) They listened. Oh, yeah, did I mention that they did what I asked without asking why? and that they listened? yeah, I gotta say, I like 2nd graders!
Sam had a GREAT time going to VBS. He came home with all sorts of crafts and things. Each day when I asked what he learned it was his typical answer: GOD/JESUS. (yes, he learned early on that this is what you say when asked about church) I also asked if he learned any new, fun songs. Everyday he responded, No. As I probed further he shared that he did not sing, he danced. I asked one of his teachers about it and she affirmed his answer. Apparently Sam really enjoyed the motions to all of the songs and was quite good at learning them. So, being the crazy mom lady that I am, I snuck a video camera in there and was able to see him "dance" it was so absolutely adorable. if I could remember how to download it to the computer I would, still working on that.
pretty much Molly was indifferent, but did manage to cling on to me with a death grip and scream each morning when I dropped her off. I am so happy to say that by Friday though she was more used to the routine and didn't cling for as long :)
sam was able to be in class with his friend Jessica. (ahhh, life is always good when Jessica is around :) ) Jessica's big brother Josh was able to really attend. Yeah, do you know how hard it is to get a 9 y/o (well, he was great actually) a 2 1/2 yr old, a 3 yr old and a 1 year old to sit still for a quick picture? yeah, well... here is the best there is

we also had a fun cut out deal at the church. My brilliant idea was to have Sam, Molly and I in it. And here ya go....It was a fun-filled week and the kids were usually tired by the time we got home. Poor Molly just couldn't hold out any longer. I changed her diaper and went to wash my hands... what is that like 30 seconds? this is what I found when I came back.

It was fun and now I really want to go to Australia for our next vacation ha!!