Sunday, November 09, 2008

happy girl growing up too fast

Miss Molly has been simply PRECIOUS the past week and a half. Did I say precious? I mean sweet, adorable, happy, loving, giggling... the list could go on and on. I think she might actually like us now and maybe even like the world too (she has been so HATEFUL I was actually wondering if she would ever have a nice personality.) it is like a little switch turned off and happy-girl emerged. When Molly smiles her whole face disappears (much like Sam's) we are so blessed.

After the election night gathering, Molly stayed the night in our room. (for no other reason than my own laziness-- too lazy to break down the pack/play and replace it in the half bathroom) God knew I would be lazy, and used that opportunity to allow me to see THIS:

Molly has decided to start pulling up on things. Not only did she pull up, but she was leaning over as if to get out. I placed Molly in the pack n play so I could take a shower and not worry about what she was into--- yes, she is ALL over the place now. As I rinsed the shampoo out of my hair I saw Molly looking in my direction, then it hit me... she shouldn't be able to see me. Thankfully Kirk had not left for work yet, I was able to yell and he ran in to pick up the nosy baby. (she can't miss anything!) After seeing this and this I realized she needed to move out of the cradle. Now she has to move out of the top layer of the pack n play. Will someone please tell her to STOP acting so big so that she can stay my sweet little cuddly baby (after all, we have missed out on 3 whole months of sweet and cuddly!) I really can't believe how fast the past 5 months have FLOWN by.


Anonymous said...

What a surprise. Little Miss Molly is growing up too fast..pulling herself up already!!

She is a doll baby and cute as a button!! So is Big brother Sam.