Saturday, November 29, 2008


I work with the Senior girl's ACTEENS at my church. It is a GREAT group of about 8 very energetic, life-lovin', open and willing Christian young ladies. Those of you who may not know, Acteens is a mission-minded group of JR High and HS girls focusing on helping those in need and showing the love of Jesus Christ. The girls have to individually complete 8 quests (big projects) throughout the year as well as other activities that involve the whole group. One project we are working on is a Christmas in August program. The girls are collecting toys/items to place in stockings to be sent to a group in Utah for boys and girls who will not receive presents at Christmas. Here we are working on cutting out all the felt stockings:

Oh yeah, did I mention we have fun doing everything?

Sunday, November 23, 2008

baking bread?!

So I decided to try and be a "real" homemaker lately. Here is just a little bit of my results: FRESH made bread! (ok, so I used a bread machine to help, but hey, it's from scratch... not from a box.
What to go better with homemade bread than Chicken Paprikas of course. Yummy. yes, I also thought I could be clever and create sweet potatoes with butter, brown sugar and marshmallows. I think I should have melted the 'mallows somehow before serving... oh well, you can't be Betty (Crocker that is) over night...

Friday, November 21, 2008


OK guys, you know how I love to get anything for FREE... well, here you go, DR Pepper is giving away a FREE 20 oz pop for everyone who goes to their web site. Here is the story. To make it easier for you, here is a link to the DR pepper site. ENJOY!!!!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

wow we've been busy!

To those who have asked: "Why didn't you blog for a while?" "What have you been doing?" I hope I adequately answered... (be aware.... a LONG post) here was our October:

Sam and his friend took an art class for toddlers (yeah, none of us were too impressed--mommies or kids) to be honest with you Sam does better stuff at "durchhh" (that's church to you and me)Sam and his pal Hanna got to go to the state fair. Some how he was taller at the fair than at his doctor's office, I was really excited thinking he had grown a whole 2 inches.... well, he has grown a little, but not 2 inches. (Guess the people at the fair want ALL the kiddos ~short and tall alike, to be able to ride the rides!!!) This worked out just fine though, Sam LOVED all of the rides (and if they were free I would have loved them a little more ha ha!)

Hanna wasn't so sure about the whole ride thing...

She did eventually enjoy it. (I mean, who wouldn't--- sitting on the gondola with the cute blond to the right of you)

new experiences, good and bad

And she is off.... need I say more?We attempted rice cereal it did not go over very well. She didn't hate it, but really didn't LIKE it. We've tried bananas as well, I thought they would have better flavor than cereal.. I think i was wrong... they did not go over very well either. I have several other flavors to try, hopefully she'll like them. Hope this is not a sign of things to come-- I don't think I can handle 2 picky eaters. At least Sam LOVED baby food initially.

we attempted

We tried going from these:

to this:

BUT~ apparently 1 of us wasn't quite as ready as we all thought and hoped. I kept seeing this:

yes, that is Sam "hiding" under the extra dining room chairs. This is where he ran when THE question was asked. He was very, very excited about the prospect of Bob the builder pull ups and even his spiderman big boy pants, but apparently not excited enough to give up his freedom in the "giker" (diaper) Oh well, better luck next time.

Molly likes something

We found something that makes Molly happy and SMILE


My parents' next door neighbors have 4 kids. They also have a wooden swing set. The kids have all outgrown the set and they were looking to get it out of their backyard. Perfect!! We are in need of a swing set. Pa took the whole thing apart, replaced the rotten and or splitting pieces, rebuilt it and brought it over to our yard where he re stained it. It is AWESOME and Sam absolutely LOVES it!! Thanks Pa for all of your hard work.
I thought it would be great to have when his little friends came over, apparently Sam agrees:
Let me just say that I am grateful for the above picture... I guess Sam needs to spend more time with his "people" friends. Sam has befriended the fly that decided to live for like a week in our house. He loved watching the fly go from here to there and follow us from room to room. it would sit on the tile for a few minutes and this was when Sam took it upon himself to talk to the fly. I guess since it never talked back Sam decided he would then read to the fly. So he would go and get a book and just read away. Lucky fly... because Sam enjoyed him so he got to live longer than any other pest. (unfortunately I recently purchased a fly swatter...)

Monday, November 17, 2008

Go Mavs

What a fun evening!! Kirk's boss gave him some AWESOME tickets to the Mavericks game the other night. It was a fun time to just have a date and watch a pro basketball game. We could not have had better seats either... we were so close to the court that we could watch the players sweat :)

Thanks to all those involved to allow us to have a fun night!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Who would have ever guessed?!

Never thought I'd see these numbers again!!!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Free Bag

Hey guys,
Was looking around at different sites the other day and I came across this fun thing to do. It is a way to get a FREE Target retote bag. Apparently we were suppose to use the cover from the Oct 27 issue of People magazine. If you don't have that issue (or like me, any issue) of People magazine but still want to do it have no fear... all you have to do is use your own envelope to stuff your clean Target plastic bags in.
Gotta hurry though, the offer ends on 11/30!

Monday, November 10, 2008


Well, this is absolutely the LAST time I post how "good" baby girl is. She has had an awful time of it last night and ALL day today. Poor baby girl. Wish there was something I could do to help her so she doesn't have to scream so long and so hard. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day... for all of us! :)

Sunday, November 09, 2008

happy girl growing up too fast

Miss Molly has been simply PRECIOUS the past week and a half. Did I say precious? I mean sweet, adorable, happy, loving, giggling... the list could go on and on. I think she might actually like us now and maybe even like the world too (she has been so HATEFUL I was actually wondering if she would ever have a nice personality.) it is like a little switch turned off and happy-girl emerged. When Molly smiles her whole face disappears (much like Sam's) we are so blessed.

After the election night gathering, Molly stayed the night in our room. (for no other reason than my own laziness-- too lazy to break down the pack/play and replace it in the half bathroom) God knew I would be lazy, and used that opportunity to allow me to see THIS:

Molly has decided to start pulling up on things. Not only did she pull up, but she was leaning over as if to get out. I placed Molly in the pack n play so I could take a shower and not worry about what she was into--- yes, she is ALL over the place now. As I rinsed the shampoo out of my hair I saw Molly looking in my direction, then it hit me... she shouldn't be able to see me. Thankfully Kirk had not left for work yet, I was able to yell and he ran in to pick up the nosy baby. (she can't miss anything!) After seeing this and this I realized she needed to move out of the cradle. Now she has to move out of the top layer of the pack n play. Will someone please tell her to STOP acting so big so that she can stay my sweet little cuddly baby (after all, we have missed out on 3 whole months of sweet and cuddly!) I really can't believe how fast the past 5 months have FLOWN by.

Friday, November 07, 2008

Election night get together

I had a little get together to watch the election returns. I decided to have a little fun with it. On the menu was; "Palin Pizza", "Tax-cut tortellini', "render under Caesar what is Caesar's salad", "obama chips and dips into our pockets"," McCain munchies" and "Biden time for dessert".

Too bad they named the president elect before we even finished eating!