Monday, August 25, 2008



  • is the best thing thriving in my flower beds the grass?
  • does Sam know the letters S, R, P, T, O, but refuses to learn A,B,and C?
  • is it so easy to gain weight and so hard to lose it?
  • do I need the front yard to be mowed at a diagonal pattern?
  • is it that the baby seems to really spit up when a friend holds her, or she or I have on good clothes?
  • does my husband want it noted that he "cooked a meal" when he picks up fast food on the way home from work?
  • does Samuel remember that I promised him a special treat when he gets up in the morning, but can't remember that I told him not to play in the trash 30 secs prior?
  • can you gain 29 pounds and only have a 6 pound 13 ounce baby?
  • does Samuel always want "baby up" but gets upset when we address her issues?
  • do I bother picking up toys?
  • can my 2 year old out lap me when running around in the backyard?
  • do I get excited and call people when I see gas for $3.47/gallon?
  • will Sam go and sit in the stroller all by himself when it is in the entryway, but always wants out when we use it to go shopping?
  • do I feel like nothing gets done during the day?
  • does Sam watch the dog intently so that he can "nab" a dog treat from her, but won't eat any good people food?
  • does the baby decide to 'mess her pants" as soon as she is all buckled into her car seat in the car?
  • does dust appear on the coffee table etc 30 mins after I dust?
  • does the baby enjoy the noise of the vacuum cleaner, but the 2 year old shrieks when he hears it?
  • do I put picture frames around the house without putting pictures in them?


Anonymous said...

Love the "why"...very cute!!
Love ya!!!