Monday, August 18, 2008

Summary of a weekend

I know, I know. I complain to my fellow bloggers about not posting for long periods of time and look at me. So... here we go.

Friday morning was wonderful:
1.) I woke to a most unusual sound. It was RAIN ;)
May not sound exciting for you, but we have been rain free here for a couple of months with very hot weather. It was like music to my ears. It was also wonderful because it was only 78 degrees when we went out to play at 11:30.

2.) Because it was so cool out I decided to put on a pair of jeans--- and they actually FIT! I was able to squeeze my flabby, squishy, fluffy tummy into them and actually button the button and zip the zipper.

3.) The boy slept in until 8:45 (see #1-- it was not bright and sunny)

4.) The girl didn't start her purple screaming fits until about 9:30 (for some reason she has been really bad about screaming and being inconsolable over the past week and a half) Not even her little green friend will help

5.) Kirk came home a little early from work (though he wanted to go back--- see#4)

6.) Molly finally decided she will swing in her swing for more than 20 mins and actually fall asleep there. She slept for almost 4 hours this evening... no one disturbed her (yet again, see #4)

This day started off well.
1.)Molly was able to fall back to sleep (in our bed) after her 6am bottle. I know, I know--- we didn't allow Sam in our bed, and didn't plan on allowing Molly in there either, but some mornings it is rough and her crying always wakes Samuel. He is one who NEEDS to wake up on his own--- we are all better off when he wakes up on his own.

2.)Haircut time. Kirk and Sam need them, so off we all go--- Sam is not good enough to wait for daddy to be done yet. Molly decides this would be the PERFECT time to go bonkers. (see Fri #4) So, she and I head out on a walk outside so as to not disturb all the people there. As we are walking, and since she is unable to be comforted, people around us begin to look and of course the comments start coming: "oh, the baby is crying" (as if I hadn't heard), "oh, someone is hungry" (no, she just ate) "oh, it's someones nap time" (I wish, but she won't sleep because she is screaming too hard!)I usually just smile a courtesy smile and go on my merry little way, but now I have decided to say: no, she just cries a lot! That typically stops the comments and the people then scatter to the other end of the store so as to not hear her.

3.)We then go to the grocery store nearby to pick up some gentlease to see if this will make any difference. And yes, the comments continue there as we check out. We then get in the car, and start to head home. Surprise surprise, surprise... Molly stops screaming and falls asleep on the drive home. AHHHH, peace:)

4.)That evening we went to the pool. I promised Sam Fri night that we would on Sat (since he had managed to dress himself in all his swimming gear including shoes!)Samuel of course had a BALL! His little lips were blue and he was shaking a bit, but did not want to leave the pool!Miss Molly was all dressed and ready to go, but the pool water was chilly and this evening wasn't hot so I kept her dry. She really enjoyed being outside though, and as long as she had her green friend she didn't cry! :)

What can I say. Sunday was good.
1.) The kids must have been good in the nursery as no one called us out of worship or Sunday school.

2.) we were able to go to lunch with our class without any catastrophes

3.) Molly seemed a little more consolable today, a few less spit ups, hmmm, maybe the formula change is working already?!

4.) After church Sunday night Kirk stopped to get a paper and some blue bell ice cream--- after all, we must celebrate (see Friday #2)

Hope you all had a great weekend as well.


Anonymous said...

Nice updates, daughter!! Little Molly will soon see that the world is not so bad (well..sometimes it's not)haha. She will be all smiles and a happy camper like Sam.
Fun to read your blog...I even see and read things I had not heard that is a feat!
Love ya!