Ok here is a fun "get to know your friends" post, as my friend SARAH put it, when she tagged me to do it! Here are the rules: Take all the pictures right away (no cleaning up first!!!), and then tag three friends to do it too!
St. Croix. This is where Kirk and I went on our honeymoon. It was absolutely Beautiful!
2. Self-Portrait
yes, I had just taken a shower and washed my hair
well, Miss Molly finally fell asleep and I placed her beside me on her blanket.
yes, it is messy, but also has molly and Samuel clothes in it. I know, it does look like a lot of clothes huh? It has many sizes in it my dear friends... pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, post pregnancy, skinny pants, fat pants you name it. (My goal is to go through everything and donate to good will or some place, but am waiting to see if maybe I can lose a few pounds first etc... so for now it must be this way!)
5. My laundry room
i just got done washing several loads (in fact the dryer is going as we speak). I just got done washing the high chair cover- that is what you see air drying. Underneath it are a couple of shirts and a pair of pants waiting for me to iron them. No, the pile is not as high as it looks--- everything is sitting on top of a laundry basket!
The fridge:
speaks for it's self
7. Favorite room in the house:
guess this would have to be the room that I basically live in... the family room. (nice- you can see seinfeld on the tv) yes, it has that well lived in look to it don't you think? baby bibs and burp cloths in the couch arm (we go thru a lot of these lately-- and as I said earlier, I just got done folding the laundry) toys, baby swing, diapers,computer and of course my papers (coupons, grocery adds, recipe magazines and recipe books) have I mentioned that we are reclaiming our house? I am in the process right now so stay tuned for pictures of the new grown ups area and kiddo's area :)
well here is our guest bath aka Molly's newest room. The bath room is directly across from our room and therefore a perfect spot for her to sleep. (I am not comfortable with her being upstairs yet- too far away and she makes too much noise for her to be in our room, so the logical place for her to be is the bathroom right?!)
My goal over that past few weeks was to not go to bed with a dirty sink unless absolutely necessary. so yes, this is what it really looks like :)
well, since I am not one who likes to wear shoes this is my favorite--- bare feet
I am now tagging Michelle, Kelly, Jenny and Alison (if you want to do it that is :) )