Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Picture game

Ok here is a fun "get to know your friends" post, as my friend SARAH put it, when she tagged me to do it! Here are the rules: Take all the pictures right away (no cleaning up first!!!), and then tag three friends to do it too!

1. Favorite destination:
St. Croix. This is where Kirk and I went on our honeymoon. It was absolutely Beautiful!

2. Self-Portrait
yes, I had just taken a shower and washed my hair

3. What the kids are doing:
well, Miss Molly finally fell asleep and I placed her beside me on her blanket.
Sam is asleep as well. This one (very unusual site) that I took last month. If you think I am going to snap a picture of my very light sleeper when he is finally asleep you are CRAZY!
4. My closet
yes, it is messy, but also has molly and Samuel clothes in it. I know, it does look like a lot of clothes huh? It has many sizes in it my dear friends... pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, post pregnancy, skinny pants, fat pants you name it. (My goal is to go through everything and donate to good will or some place, but am waiting to see if maybe I can lose a few pounds first etc... so for now it must be this way!)
5. My laundry room
i just got done washing several loads (in fact the dryer is going as we speak). I just got done washing the high chair cover- that is what you see air drying. Underneath it are a couple of shirts and a pair of pants waiting for me to iron them. No, the pile is not as high as it looks--- everything is sitting on top of a laundry basket!

The fridge:
speaks for it's self

7. Favorite room in the house:
guess this would have to be the room that I basically live in... the family room. (nice- you can see seinfeld on the tv) yes, it has that well lived in look to it don't you think? baby bibs and burp cloths in the couch arm (we go thru a lot of these lately-- and as I said earlier, I just got done folding the laundry) toys, baby swing, diapers,computer and of course my papers (coupons, grocery adds, recipe magazines and recipe books) have I mentioned that we are reclaiming our house? I am in the process right now so stay tuned for pictures of the new grown ups area and kiddo's area :)

8. The bathroom:
well here is our guest bath aka Molly's newest room. The bath room is directly across from our room and therefore a perfect spot for her to sleep. (I am not comfortable with her being upstairs yet- too far away and she makes too much noise for her to be in our room, so the logical place for her to be is the bathroom right?!)
9. The kitchen sink:
My goal over that past few weeks was to not go to bed with a dirty sink unless absolutely necessary. so yes, this is what it really looks like :)
10. Favorite pair of shoes:
well, since I am not one who likes to wear shoes this is my favorite--- bare feet
but if I really have to pick a pair it would be these:

I am now tagging Michelle, Kelly, Jenny and Alison (if you want to do it that is :) )

Monday, August 25, 2008



  • is the best thing thriving in my flower beds the grass?
  • does Sam know the letters S, R, P, T, O, but refuses to learn A,B,and C?
  • is it so easy to gain weight and so hard to lose it?
  • do I need the front yard to be mowed at a diagonal pattern?
  • is it that the baby seems to really spit up when a friend holds her, or she or I have on good clothes?
  • does my husband want it noted that he "cooked a meal" when he picks up fast food on the way home from work?
  • does Samuel remember that I promised him a special treat when he gets up in the morning, but can't remember that I told him not to play in the trash 30 secs prior?
  • can you gain 29 pounds and only have a 6 pound 13 ounce baby?
  • does Samuel always want "baby up" but gets upset when we address her issues?
  • do I bother picking up toys?
  • can my 2 year old out lap me when running around in the backyard?
  • do I get excited and call people when I see gas for $3.47/gallon?
  • will Sam go and sit in the stroller all by himself when it is in the entryway, but always wants out when we use it to go shopping?
  • do I feel like nothing gets done during the day?
  • does Sam watch the dog intently so that he can "nab" a dog treat from her, but won't eat any good people food?
  • does the baby decide to 'mess her pants" as soon as she is all buckled into her car seat in the car?
  • does dust appear on the coffee table etc 30 mins after I dust?
  • does the baby enjoy the noise of the vacuum cleaner, but the 2 year old shrieks when he hears it?
  • do I put picture frames around the house without putting pictures in them?

Thursday, August 21, 2008

What begins with "T"?

Two-year old
Talented artist
Too quiet
Try to clean
Tile floor
Now, what do all of these have in common?

Well, I was feeding the baby, it was a Thursday, when my Toddler became Too quiet. I noticed him coming over to the baby wipes as if he were Trying to clean something. It only took me a second to think about what I was seeing. I had left this Two year old at the kitchen table coloring with crayons. I get up, walk over to the table and this is what I saw:

Apparently Samuel decided he wanted to use his favorite color (boo) and show off his artistic Talent. He successfully colored on the Table, the Tile floor and the wall.

After seeing the beautiful art work I looked over at the electrical outlet. Something was different about it, but I couldn't quite figure it out.
Upon further examination, I realized that Samuel had shoved his pretzel sticks into the hole.

HMMMM< is this why they call it the TERRIBLE TWO'S?!?!?!?


In honor of the Olympics I thought I would get the kids to hold the flag and wear their patriotic clothes. I did not count on Sam's refusal of having his picture taken. or the fact that he thought he should "cover" Molly with the flag instead of just holding it next to her.

"No mama, no icur" (no mama, no picture) aka--- I am done now, put that camera away!!!

well, at least molly understood what I was trying to do!

Happy Olympics everyone!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Olympic mania

Wow! I have it this go around! I have really been into the Olympics. Normally it is hit or miss for me, but I have enjoyed everything -- even the running has starting to grow on me. I have simply been amazed by this man: Wow, talk about the greatest Olympian EVER!
but then there is this amazing woman. Phelps has taken all of the news, but she has done some great feats herself. Natalie Coughlin was in 6 events and won 6 medals. This is the most medals won by any American woman ever! great job Natalie
Then, Dara Torres... what can I say~she's 41 years old! That takes some skill. Plus, she has a 2 year old at home. I look at myself, then look at her, yeah there is no comparison. (guess I need to lay off the blue bell ice cream)

Then on to my FAVORITE summer sport, Women's gymnastics. I have really enjoyed watching Shawn and Nastia give it their all (and then be cheated out of it) Sam has been enjoying watching them as well (gaw-key is his word, not sure where that comes from... doesn't even sort of sound like gymnastics). He especially liked watching the floor exercise. All of the sudden, out of the blue I hear him yell "nun, nun, nun, go go! yay!" then clap with a huge smile upon his face. (nun = run)I am so glad Shawn finally got her GOLDEver had an "off" night (unfortunately I have them often) Poor Alicia had just one of those days. It is always sad to see them miss. A medal just out of reach too-- fourth place is a hard place to be!Well, on to "eye-ye baa" (volleyball) and what ever else I get hook on!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Summary of a weekend

I know, I know. I complain to my fellow bloggers about not posting for long periods of time and look at me. So... here we go.

Friday morning was wonderful:
1.) I woke to a most unusual sound. It was RAIN ;)
May not sound exciting for you, but we have been rain free here for a couple of months with very hot weather. It was like music to my ears. It was also wonderful because it was only 78 degrees when we went out to play at 11:30.

2.) Because it was so cool out I decided to put on a pair of jeans--- and they actually FIT! I was able to squeeze my flabby, squishy, fluffy tummy into them and actually button the button and zip the zipper.

3.) The boy slept in until 8:45 (see #1-- it was not bright and sunny)

4.) The girl didn't start her purple screaming fits until about 9:30 (for some reason she has been really bad about screaming and being inconsolable over the past week and a half) Not even her little green friend will help

5.) Kirk came home a little early from work (though he wanted to go back--- see#4)

6.) Molly finally decided she will swing in her swing for more than 20 mins and actually fall asleep there. She slept for almost 4 hours this evening... no one disturbed her (yet again, see #4)

This day started off well.
1.)Molly was able to fall back to sleep (in our bed) after her 6am bottle. I know, I know--- we didn't allow Sam in our bed, and didn't plan on allowing Molly in there either, but some mornings it is rough and her crying always wakes Samuel. He is one who NEEDS to wake up on his own--- we are all better off when he wakes up on his own.

2.)Haircut time. Kirk and Sam need them, so off we all go--- Sam is not good enough to wait for daddy to be done yet. Molly decides this would be the PERFECT time to go bonkers. (see Fri #4) So, she and I head out on a walk outside so as to not disturb all the people there. As we are walking, and since she is unable to be comforted, people around us begin to look and of course the comments start coming: "oh, the baby is crying" (as if I hadn't heard), "oh, someone is hungry" (no, she just ate) "oh, it's someones nap time" (I wish, but she won't sleep because she is screaming too hard!)I usually just smile a courtesy smile and go on my merry little way, but now I have decided to say: no, she just cries a lot! That typically stops the comments and the people then scatter to the other end of the store so as to not hear her.

3.)We then go to the grocery store nearby to pick up some gentlease to see if this will make any difference. And yes, the comments continue there as we check out. We then get in the car, and start to head home. Surprise surprise, surprise... Molly stops screaming and falls asleep on the drive home. AHHHH, peace:)

4.)That evening we went to the pool. I promised Sam Fri night that we would on Sat (since he had managed to dress himself in all his swimming gear including shoes!)Samuel of course had a BALL! His little lips were blue and he was shaking a bit, but did not want to leave the pool!Miss Molly was all dressed and ready to go, but the pool water was chilly and this evening wasn't hot so I kept her dry. She really enjoyed being outside though, and as long as she had her green friend she didn't cry! :)

What can I say. Sunday was good.
1.) The kids must have been good in the nursery as no one called us out of worship or Sunday school.

2.) we were able to go to lunch with our class without any catastrophes

3.) Molly seemed a little more consolable today, a few less spit ups, hmmm, maybe the formula change is working already?!

4.) After church Sunday night Kirk stopped to get a paper and some blue bell ice cream--- after all, we must celebrate (see Friday #2)

Hope you all had a great weekend as well.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Our many trials

"Our Many Trials"

Sometimes our trials are many
and we may not know just why
Seems no one else has any
So we just break down and cry

Troubles are part of living
With them we learn to deal
It's good God is forgiving
When such bitterness we feel

There are people who don't care
At least that's how it seems
But remember God is there
To hear our prayers and dreams

He'll send new friends our way
To prove someone does care
They'll help us through each day
and stop feelings of despair

Remember, sometimes it's trials
That God uses to teach us
Life will not always be smiles
But His love can always reach us

Rufus (

Wednesday, August 06, 2008


In the evenings, Charlie (Kirk's dad) would take the boat out to catch lunch for the next day (unfortunately unsuccessfully) Everyone caught a fish or 2, just not big enough to eat. Calvin with his catch of the day
Sam was even a part of the fishing. He was not able to catch a fish, but did help snag a rock!

He loved being able to reel in the line-- that is fisherman's talk, pretty impressive from a city girl huh?He had no fear and was oh so excited to touch the wiggly fish as grandpop was releasing him from the hook.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

yeow bow

Look at that little stud . Hat, shades, life vest and mickey mouse swimming trunks~ Lets go SWIMMING!Daddy and Sam out one the "yeow bow" (yellow boat) He had a blast! This boy had no fear (his mama was more scared about it than he was)

Let's go swimming!

Monday, August 04, 2008

Just Too HOT!!!

It is WAY too HOT here right now! This is a clip from Sunday's paper:
5 pm news, it was 106 at 5pm
When it is so stifling hot it is hard to do anything. Sam just wants to play outside and doesn't understand why we don't go out in the middle of the afternoon. Playing inside is not near as much fun, though creating messes throughout the house apparently is (UGH)

It's HOT
Molly has a summer cold
Samuel has a bit of jealousy
and because of it all, their Mama has a headache

Thankfully the baby stopped screaming for about an hour, Sam took a short nap and I got to enjoy one of these:

Ahhhh, Life is good :)

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Big Bow!

Samuel got to go on the "big bow" (boat) at the lake last weekend. He loved putting the life jacket on too. Guess he knew it meant he was heading to the water.

His aunt Leigh brought Napoleon out on the boat too. all the little people are required to wear life jackets... dog included! Sam thought he was hot stuff when grandpop let him drive
Wheee!! this is so much fun

Sam and nonna enjoying the rideSam with cousins Calvin and Aspen

Friday, August 01, 2008

Let's get an oil change

The day before we headed to the lake to visit with Kirk's family my car (the mom mobile) needed an oil change. We decided to take Kirk's car along as well so that we would not have to sit and wait for however many hours... 2 kids and 100 degree heat with nothing to do, hmmm doesn't sound like a good combination to me. There is a little park nearby so sam was able to chase away the "dadur ducks" (water ducks) Play on the "dide" (slide)
and while all this was going on, Molly was sharing her sweet personality!