Thursday, July 31, 2008

Itsy Bitsy Spider went up the water spout...

Itsy bitsy my foot! Look at this big spider found on the window to my bedroom closet. She looks quite menacing to say the least.

Thanks to the internet I was able to research and find out that this scary looking creature is nothing more than a garden spider! Click HERE and HERE for more info. good to know, as she was about to no longer exist. Guess I will keep her around for a while to eat up all the bugs, but that egg sac of hers will have to go if found! This must be a good spot for spiders, this is where I found one of my black widows last summer (unfortunately for her, she had to die shortly after she was discovered!)

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Round and Round we go

The family headed to the mall the other night. Samuel rode the Merry-go-round for the first time. He was so excited watching it go around~ little did he know HE would get to go around with it!
It was so much fun watching his face when re realized that the horse he was on not only went around the track, but went up and down as well.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Mr. fix it

Sam decided he needed to "fix" several things throughout the backyard the other day.
Ahhhh, time for this busy little mechanic to rest
Molly just sat back and enjoyed watching Sam and his "business"
samuel came over to chat with Molly, then proceeded to tickle her

Cukes are here

Yum Yum Yum, look at what we grew!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Baseball champ!

Ethan... Your little League Baseball team just got 3rd place in the state, where are you going to go now?


My nephew, Ethan's little league team did so well this year that they took third in the state of Georgia! Way to go Ethan! They did so well in fact that it cut their vacation short. They were suppose to meet my parents in Disney for a fun-filled week of Mickey mouse and the whole gang, but only had a couple of days instead.

Thankfully they were able to go and my cute little niece Savannah was able to wear her new princess dress!

Friday, July 18, 2008

hot days in the summer time

What do you do when it is 102 degrees outside? ~ You find your own adventures inside of course!
I (stupidly) placed Sam's car seat on top of a box. I put it there so that it would be out of the way, what I didn't think about was that it would be a fun place to sit. (though I should have since Sam is a silly monkey boy) It is events like this that have caused us to purchase a new tv stand and strap for the tv that is in our loft (we are currently reclaiming our family room and house and converting our loft into a kid-friendly play area)
Sam Also enjoys using Molly's swing for his friend, Mr. Lion. Yes, he also knows how to turn it on and likes his lion to be on the "bean" (green) setting. Molly enjoys the red setting though there are many times when I will find it mysteriously on "bean".

Any ordinary day

It started out as any other ordinary day, Samuel enjoyed his Winnie -the-pooh water sprinkler

Molly enjoyed watching her bug friends (these were a favorite of Sam's at this age as well)
Then DISASTER struck... (see posting below)Only to end so sweetly...

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Simple addition

Take this sweet, innocent looking little boy
Add a big bottle of baby powder

and what do you get?

A BIG powdery mess!!! Yet again, I headed to the kitchen (pantry this time) guess I shouldn't head into that room, or at least not leave this little man alone for even a second! Yes, it was a little too quiet for my comfort and this is what I saw :
He was quite thorough that is for sure. He loves to help add the powder when he gets his diaper changed, guess he thought everything needed a little powdering... and I do mean EVERYTHING. It is hard to tell from the picture, but he dabbed powder on each item that was on the table. It is on the mail, his books, in his bowl that has his pretzels in it, the sippy cup, the wipe box, Molly's headband, and of course the table itself.
it was on the couch... check out the handprints
He managed to get each of his toys (not sure why it is sideways... tried several different ways to flip it, but the blog keeps flipping it back)
then, all on his own he found the wet washcloth that I had just washed Molly's face with and decided to help "clean" his mess.

This is a perfect example of why I LOVE being a mom. It is days like this that either make you laugh or cry.... I choose to LAUGH

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Beauty secret tips

Saw this list for secret tips to help keep us beautiful... I have known about a few of them, but think there are several good ideas that I might try

1) Powder Your Roots

If your hairline starts to look greasy, dig up a big, fluffy makeup brush, and dip it into a pot of loose powder. Tap it once on the back of your hand to remove the excess, then dust it over your roots. It mops up oil and blends into your strands, so no one will know you didn't shower.

2) Scent Strands with Perfume
Spray a light shot of fragrance into your brush's bristles. Run it through strands from roots to ends and your hair will smell amazing throughout the day.

3) Cure Calluses with Vaseline
Slather on the petroleum jelly, and put on socks before bed to dissolve tough calluses overnight.

4) Spot-Treat Smudges
Dip a cotton swab in eye-makeup remover, and trace it along your lids to erase any slipups or goofs when there's no time to redo your whole look.

5) Fix a Flushed Face
If you turn red and stay that way after exercising (like seriously red for hours, even though you're healthy and hydrated), take an antihistamine like Benadryl when you leave the gym to reduce redness.

6) Soften Your Bod with Avocado
Take a ripe avocado, remove the pit and skin, and mash it up in a bowl. Slather it all over your body, let it sit for 20 minutes, then rinse off. Your skin will be sooo soft — avocado is a natural moisturizer.

7) Super-Glue a Nail
Instead of tearing off your nail when it breaks, put a tiny dab of Super Glue over the split, and paint a generous layer of your favorite nail polish shade over it. Go for an opaque option (like red, purple, or coral) to camouflage and seal the crack.

8) Use Makeup Remover on Stubborn Lipstick
Don't try to rub off red lipstick (which makes it smear across your mouth — not so sexy). Instead, take a cotton ball or tissue, dip it in makeup remover, and just dab to erase the dark stain fast.

9) Tame Brows with Eye Cream
Pat any kind of rich eye cream over brows to help keep them hydrated and banish those icky white specks that look like dandruff.

10) Buff with Baking Soda
If you find yourself streaking (not glowing) after applying self-tanner, put some baking soda on a loofah, and scrub away the stripes.

11) Brush on Hair Spray
For the final step of your blow-dry, spray hair spray onto your brush, and run it through strands from roots to tips. This way, your 'do isn't plastered and stiff but still holds volume and shine.

12) Boost Body Lotion with Baby Oil
If you're craving shiny legs that aren't greasy, blend a drop of baby oil into your normal body lotion for extra luster.

13) Dab Essential Oil on a Hangnail
Put on apricot oil, the kind found in health-food stores, to protect cuticles from turning rough and raggedy.

14) Quell a Cold Sore with Cream
When a cold sore is coming on, dab a bit of thick moisturizer, like Aquaphor, over it to prevent it from getting worse.

15) Freeze Your Eyeliner
If the tip of your eyeliner pencil crumbles and smears on your lids, store the liner in the freezer for 15 minutes before use so the tip is firm and goes across your skin smoothly.

16) Use Toothpaste on a Zit
Use just a pea-size amount. Let sit for 15 minutes to absorb the oil so the pimple won't get more clogged, then wash off.

17) Heat Up Your Curler
If you have stick-straight lashes, try blasting your metal eyelash curler with a hair dryer for a couple of seconds to heat it up so your lashes bend more easily. And use a waterproof mascara. The formula dries faster than other mascaras, so it sets the curl more effectively.

18) Use Soap Without Water
You know those fancy bars that are actually too pretty to use? Toss them in your underwear or tee-shirt drawers to make your skin smell delicious.

19) Groom Brows with a Toothbrush
Mist an (unused!) toothbrush or eyebrow comb with hair spray to help flatten and tame unruly brows.

20) Put Diaper-Rash Cream on Dry Spots
Slather on a thick layer of diaper-rash cream to heal cracked elbows and feet.

21) Lubricate Your Lashes
An easy way to draw attention to your eyes without putting on a pile of makeup is to comb petroleum jelly lightly through the tips of eyelashes to get a sexy, subtle sparkle.

22) Steamroll Flyaways
Spray on hair spray, then roll the can over your strands. The round bottle fits the curved shape of your head, locks in the spray, and flattens out frizz.

23) Spike Lotion with Bronzer
If you don't have time to book a self-tanning session, mix a few pumps of body bronzer with regular hand lotion and pat it on your legs for a gradual dose of sexy, beachy color.

24) Air-Dry Your Curls
Let your hair dry indoors before going out in the cold. The curls will be really bouncy and piecey-perfect.

25) Press a Tea Bag on Splotches
If your skin is sensitive or just looking irritated and puffy for some reason, steep a bag of green tea for a minute or two, let it cool down, and dab it over your face. The antioxidants in the tea take down inflammation.

26) Shave with Conditioner
Ran out of shaving cream? Do double duty by coating your stems with a thick hair conditioner. It softens the hair so it's easier to shave off and makes legs feel amazingly silky.

27) Amp Shine with Vinegar
Mix one part vinegar with four parts carbonated water, and soak dry hair. Leave on for 15 minutes before you shampoo to lock in shine and combat dullness.

28) Exfoliate Your Pits
If your underarms start to look dry and flaky, an easy trick is to exfoliate them with a gentle face scrub to keep that skin pretty when going sleeveless.

29) Customize Your Body Lotion
Instead of shelling out for an expensive perfumed body product, you can make your own by pouring a few drops of fragrance into any scent-free lotion. Rub it on — the scent will last for hours.

30) "Brush" with Mouthwash
If you're too wiped out after a late night of partying to clean your teeth, rinse with water and mouthwash, then use a dry toothbrush on the area where your teeth hit your gums.

31) Make an Egg-White Mask
To revive tired, dull skin without hitting the spa table, try this: Crack open an egg in a bowl, separate the yolk, and use the egg whites to make a face mask. The proteins help to heal and restore skin's moisture. Leave it on for five minutes, then rinse off.

32) Dry Sensitive Skin with T.P.
Instead of drying your face with a scratchy towel, pat with toilet paper — it's ultrasoft on delicate skin (and bums!).

Saturday, July 12, 2008

green thumb?!

Look what started developing in my backyard! Prior to Molly's arrival I was looking for some herbs to plant to replace the ones that died over the winter. While looking at the sweet basil I noticed a cucumber plant. Thinking how fun it would be to grow my own cucumbers I placed the plant in my cart and took it home with me. I planted it, watered it and waited and waited and waited. Nothing would happen, it would grow these pretty yellow flowers and then they would go away and nothing~ the leaves did not even grow. I then went into the hospital and came home, all the while forgetting to give tender loving care to the cucumbers. About 2 weeks ago I noticed that the plant was growing and growing with yet again tons of little yellow flowers. Then yesterday I decided to look and to my surprise this is what I saw:

I am very excited about this! In fact, I saw an even bigger one today when I was re-checking the plant. Apparently it is not tender care that this plant needs, but neglect!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Great -grandmothers and Nonna came to visit

Great-grandmother P.
Great grandmother C.
aunt Debbie

Tuesday was a special day for us. Molly got to meet 2 of her Great-grandmothers and her Great aunt Debbie. It was great to see Nonna again too. Molly is the 7th great grandchild on the "P" side and #21 on the "C" side!! I was looking back at some pictures of Sam at this age and found an interesting fact. We went to visit the great grandparents for the first time when Samuel was 5 weeks and 1 day old. Molly was exactly 5 weeks and 1 day old when she meet the great grandmothers as well! So glad you came to visit!

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

precious smiles

Miss Molly is working on perfecting her smile. It is difficult to click the camera at just the right moment, but as a crazy picture snapping mama I will keep on trying!

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Happy 1 Month

Wow! I can hardly believe it. Molly is already 1 month old!

you routinely wake up every 2 1/2- 3 hours to eat. just like a grandfather clock chime
you have started to follow mommy, daddy and Samuel with your eyes
you are starting to fill out those cheeks
you eat 2 1/2- 3 ounces
your umbilical cord FINALLY came off so you took your 1st tubby bath on Sat.
you have been to church twice
you are notorious for messing your pants within 2 minutes of me changing it
you like your swing
you LOVE and are addicted to your pacifier
you grunt and scoot around in your cradle when you are waking up (your head starts at 12 o'clock and ends up at 9 o'clock)
you still pull your feet up and go into a little ball when being held
you are losing your precious hair
you are starting to smile
you have noticed the ceiling fan and are fascinated by it
you are a very very good baby, very layed back and go with the flow so far
you have quite a wardrobe and we can't wait for you to grow into everything
you try really hard to hold your head up and can turn it from side to side
You truly are a miracle and God has blessed us by allowing us to have you. can't wait to see what is in store for us in the future