Sunday, March 30, 2008

April 2006

December 2007
A sad week. Kirk's grandfather passed away late Monday night. He lived a long fulfilled life of 85 years (3 weeks shy of his 86th birthday and 2 weeks shy of his 62nd wedding anniversary) Being a WWII veteran he was honored at the graveside with taps being played and his wife was presented the flag of the US that covered the casket.

We were able to head to OK for the funeral and to visit with family. Though it was under sad circumstances that we were there, it was amazing to see the legacy and descendants that he left behind. In fact, the baby we are carrying will be his 20th great-grand child.

Dressed up for Easter

"I don't care if it is Easter... I said I don't want my picture taken in this outfit!!"

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Busy ride home

No one can say that Sam does not find creative ways to entertain himself. On our trip home from Bible study he insisted on playing with his "telephone" that he made out of styrofoam cups. Since this seemed like such a harmless request it was granted. Along the way he was quiet and I could here him scratching at the cup. I looked back in the mirror only to see that he had made a solid beard out of stickers. I thought that that was all he was doing until I pulled into the garage to see this: Stickers in the hair, on his chest, on his legs and even his back. Pretty cute, that is until I had to remove them from his hair OUCH!!!!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

I'm "DEW"

It was exactly 2 years ago today that our world changed and we were blessed with a precious blessing that we named Samuel. Everyone says how fast time flies and that these kiddos change and grow in the blink of an eye. I have to admit... "everyone" was right. I can't believe our baby is already 2!! Happy birthday sweet boy!

1 year old

2nd birthday
Just ask him how old are you and he will proudly say "DEW" with a huge smile on his face!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

finger painting

What do you do on a beautiful sunny afternoon?

make a huge mess with FINGERPAINTS!!
Sam had a good time, but was a little unsure as to why it was "ok" to make a such big mess with these paints verses anything else he attempts to do. ~ mommy was even encouraging him to make a mess. so confusing ha ha

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Penny saved is a penny earned

Samuel just got a new piggy bank. This one is cool because it is a see~through green plastic. We decided to put all of his pennies in the see through bank and keep all the silver coins and cash in his original piggy bank. Sam had a grand old time putting the pennies in the slot. Now every time he sees the bank he expects to put something in it... too bad we don't always have change on hand ha ha.
this is serious business!hmmm, this could be a problem. Is Samuel is actually kissing the piggy bank? "for the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil" I Tim 6:10

Friday, March 07, 2008

Good times with good friends

Can it really be possible? 2 years since I have seen Danna and her family? 2 years? Way too long that is for sure. Danna and I met back in college and were pretty much inseparable until 2 years ago. Having husbands, kids, jobs and living 5 hours away makes a huge difference. It is just far enough to be too far! Danna and I have pretty much always been on the same paths. Katie was born just 3 months before Samuel and believe it or not we are both due to have our 2nd children on the same day! Katie and Sam "chatting it up"It was a quick visit, but so good to see my friend and her family. Here are just a few pics of the weekend. true to form, I wait until the last minute to bring out the camera which is when the kiddos aren't in the right frame of mind ha. Notice Katie in her gown?! Apparently she refused to get dressed so she got to head home in her pj's.Samuel and Katie
Danna and KellyThe bellies.
(For those of you who are wondering... no, I am not a giant, and no Danna is not a shrimp. I am taller than she is, but I had on my heeled boots which add a couple of inches.)

Kenneth, Katie and Danna

Thursday, March 06, 2008

more snow

well ladies and gentlemen, weatherman Pete was right... our 90% chance of snow turned into 100% around 12:30 this afternoon. We got a nice accumulation of 2-3 inches this afternoon. Samuel really enjoyed playing in it and trying to make "baaa's" (balls) out of it!

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Spring? Winter? what season is this?

Wow! Crazy... that is about all I can say about this weeks weather. About 1 week ago it was 88 degrees. It cooled down some but this weekend was in the mid to upper 70's. Sunday the cool weather literally blew in with the wind gusts of 40-50 mph. I was very excited to see our pear tree in full blossom on Monday afternoon. Then, Monday evening it started to SNOW!!! It was beautiful, no pictures though since it was night time. We awoke to about 2 1/2 inches of snow on Tues. morning and most of the snow was melted before noon.

This picture was taken at about 10am on Tues. Notice the sun shining, the pear in full bloom and the melting snow on the ground!

Tuesday and today were absolutely gorgeous out (upper 60's)! As I am watching the news right now they say a cold front is coming with a 90% chance of snow accumulation again tomorrow!! CRAZY!!!