Saturday, February 23, 2008

the bucket head

Question: What happens when you put everything you see on your head?

answer: it gets stuck!
It was stuck and obviously did not feel very good, but I had to grab the camera before I would remove it. This were 2 reasons for this. #1 it was funny and I needed to keep the memory #2 maybe, just maybe it would teach him to stop putting things over his head and face (like plastic bags for instance.) He was none too happy with me for prolonging his predicament that is for sure! Not sure if it has really taught a lesson yet or not, but this bucket has not gone on the head since!


Rita said...

poor guy..not the most flattering picture..fer sure!
I like the new blog background.
I love you all!

Anonymous said...

You know your a scrapbooker when... you prolong your child's embarrassment or discomfort to take a picture! Smile.