Sunday, September 16, 2007

Nonna comes for a visit and baby shower

Samuel's grandma (Nonna) came for a visit on Friday. He was sooo good! He even sat still for a minute to let Nonna read him a book! What a sweet Boy!


Yesterday I hosted a baby shower for my friend Sarah! we had a good time. Her nursery will be in flowers. We decorated with the flower theme, had mums as prizes and tulip bulbs for the party favors . The note attached to the bulbs was :
"God's most wonderful ideas bloom into children. Please plant these tulip bulbs to help us celebrate the arrival of Sarah's new little blossom"

This is the quilt she has for the nursery. This is what the theme of the shower was based off of. Baby's quilt.

I made her a diaper wreath, it turned out really cute, but apparently since it was hanging in the entryway it never got into any of the pictures.
We miss you Sarah and Casey and can't wait to meet your new little girl!!!