Friday, December 12, 2008

up up and AWAY

Well, Miss Molly has been quite the busy body lately. She has been crawling and pulling herself up on EVERYTHING for the past couple of weeks. Nothing is sacred. I was just taking some pictures of Molly pulling herself up on Sam's castle toy. Apparently he did not like the attention she was getting or the fact that she (yet again) was "touching" one of his toys. He instantly sat upon the toy, she fell off, but quickly popped back up (using him this time) When I took the pictures, I did not realize the events that I managed to capture until later...

1. Molly up on Sam and toy 2. molly touching the weeble holder atop the castle

3. Sam moving weeble holder out of her "way"
4. Sam decides to take it away from her (saying "mine")
Sweet Molly, oblivious of her brother's selfishness, just happy to be up and touching her favorite person in the whole world.


Anonymous said...

Cute pictures....this is only the beginning!hahaha

Beyond Blessed TX said...

That was me when I was little! I was the little sister with the older brother that knew everything and I just wanted to be part of the action. She will be walking before you know it! :))) So glad she is feeling good these days!