Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Photo session a success?!

It was that time again, the time I DREAD. Time to get the kids' pictures made. Molly has been in a good mood for almost 2 weeks now, so we definitely need to get the pictures (there was no 2 month and she will be 4 months in a week) Here are the events of the morning:

Sam is all dressed and ready to go. His hair is fixed and he is looking quite spiffy if I do say so myself. Then, he spots it... the hat I have that matches his outfit. It instantly goes on his head (bye-bye nice hair) It is a struggle and some tears fall, but eventually the hat is hidden, forgotten about and the hair is redone.

Molly, miss Molly. where do I begin? The outfit was not placed on her for good reason. (smart mommy) Even though she had not spit up in several days, she managed to spit several times prior to leaving the house. She leaked through her diaper and shortly after she was changed and cleaned up she messed the pants.
So, it is off to the photographer (Ma in tow in order to help with the fiasco I know is about to occur) We get there and Sam is very excited, he runs right to the (germ infested, filthy) lego table while I dress Miss Molly (as I place her dress upon her she spits up all over it. Thankfully I was able to clean it up)

It was a simple plan, (so I thought) no clothing changes, no elaborate scenes or poses, just a picture of the 2 of them together and each one individually. The (wonderfully patient, talented, relaxed) photographer sets up the scenery... 3 pumpkins and some leaves. The goal, Sam to sit and hold the baby---nope, won't work, plan B Sam to sit beside baby, nope,Sam leaves and decides to scoot the chair around the room, then the blocks, then stuffed animals etc I am sure you get the picture. On to plan C, D, E, F--- I think we actually go to like W (at least it seemed like it) The photographer was great, Molly was great, so while mom and I are trying to reason with Sam,(why? who in their right mind reasons with a 2 year old?) she takes some really good pictures of Molly. It was really hard to decide on just 1 pose of my smiling girl.
Sam on the other hand---- click picture to enlarge if you can't see his face
And finally... I don't know how she did it, (she is SUPER) but the photographer managed to actually get a half way decent picture...
phheeww, glad that ordeal is over... until next time


Anonymous said...

Look how cute they turned out!!
Your description was so cute...and funny. This is what memories are made of, my sweet girl.

Anonymous said...

Oh, my gosh! It is so true- I dread the photo ops! Especially with the mom-in-law. Everyone has to smile perfectly, and of course my kids ( who don't live near her, so aren't trained appropriately), don't smile on cue and actually resent being bribed and yelled at for not performing. Can you tell I'm a little miffed over the whole ordeal that occurs once a year? THe more kids you have, the worse it gets. I actually don't mind some of the photos I get - I figure that it shows their true personality and it's something to lord over them later.

Kelly Heather said...

I do believe you could win a prize with that one picture! I love that one where Sam is pouting and Molly is cracking up! Priceless!

Kelly Heather