Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Olympic mania

Wow! I have it this go around! I have really been into the Olympics. Normally it is hit or miss for me, but I have enjoyed everything -- even the running has starting to grow on me. I have simply been amazed by this man: Wow, talk about the greatest Olympian EVER!
but then there is this amazing woman. Phelps has taken all of the news, but she has done some great feats herself. Natalie Coughlin was in 6 events and won 6 medals. This is the most medals won by any American woman ever! great job Natalie
Then, Dara Torres... what can I say~she's 41 years old! That takes some skill. Plus, she has a 2 year old at home. I look at myself, then look at her, yeah there is no comparison. (guess I need to lay off the blue bell ice cream)

Then on to my FAVORITE summer sport, Women's gymnastics. I have really enjoyed watching Shawn and Nastia give it their all (and then be cheated out of it) Sam has been enjoying watching them as well (gaw-key is his word, not sure where that comes from... doesn't even sort of sound like gymnastics). He especially liked watching the floor exercise. All of the sudden, out of the blue I hear him yell "nun, nun, nun, go go! yay!" then clap with a huge smile upon his face. (nun = run)I am so glad Shawn finally got her GOLDEver had an "off" night (unfortunately I have them often) Poor Alicia had just one of those days. It is always sad to see them miss. A medal just out of reach too-- fourth place is a hard place to be!Well, on to "eye-ye baa" (volleyball) and what ever else I get hook on!