Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Happy 1 Month

Wow! I can hardly believe it. Molly is already 1 month old!

you routinely wake up every 2 1/2- 3 hours to eat. just like a grandfather clock chime
you have started to follow mommy, daddy and Samuel with your eyes
you are starting to fill out those cheeks
you eat 2 1/2- 3 ounces
your umbilical cord FINALLY came off so you took your 1st tubby bath on Sat.
you have been to church twice
you are notorious for messing your pants within 2 minutes of me changing it
you like your swing
you LOVE and are addicted to your pacifier
you grunt and scoot around in your cradle when you are waking up (your head starts at 12 o'clock and ends up at 9 o'clock)
you still pull your feet up and go into a little ball when being held
you are losing your precious hair
you are starting to smile
you have noticed the ceiling fan and are fascinated by it
you are a very very good baby, very layed back and go with the flow so far
you have quite a wardrobe and we can't wait for you to grow into everything
you try really hard to hold your head up and can turn it from side to side
You truly are a miracle and God has blessed us by allowing us to have you. can't wait to see what is in store for us in the future


Michelle {bsktgirl} said...

is she wearing my outfit? send me whole baby pics so I can see it! :) miss molly is a doll....blessings.