Saturday, July 12, 2008

green thumb?!

Look what started developing in my backyard! Prior to Molly's arrival I was looking for some herbs to plant to replace the ones that died over the winter. While looking at the sweet basil I noticed a cucumber plant. Thinking how fun it would be to grow my own cucumbers I placed the plant in my cart and took it home with me. I planted it, watered it and waited and waited and waited. Nothing would happen, it would grow these pretty yellow flowers and then they would go away and nothing~ the leaves did not even grow. I then went into the hospital and came home, all the while forgetting to give tender loving care to the cucumbers. About 2 weeks ago I noticed that the plant was growing and growing with yet again tons of little yellow flowers. Then yesterday I decided to look and to my surprise this is what I saw:

I am very excited about this! In fact, I saw an even bigger one today when I was re-checking the plant. Apparently it is not tender care that this plant needs, but neglect!


Anonymous said...

It's so fun to grow your own veggies! I LOVE cucumbers. They have been so expensive here lately. I planted a big garden the first year that we moved here. The ground is super fertile, but the bunnies ate everything down before it could grow much. Then the weeds grew higher than the plants. I wasn't a very good gardener. Then the sumac trees started reproducing - quickly. 10 years later we have a forresty garden plot that is partially back to lawn. I have to do container gardening, now. Emily