Wednesday, April 20, 2016

crazy sky

 we were at soccer practice
 the sky started getting darker, then we saw lightning

 the weather sirens started blasting
so we decided to leave.  The clouds were so weird.  The wind stopped blowing. it was bright and sunny in one direction and pitch black in another.  At the stop light I saw this strang cloud--- what you can not see is the tail cloud that is touching down from it...  it was not rotating, but looked menacing enough for me!!!  Then BOOM, out of no where teh HAIL started just pelting us.  It was a lot (had to put the camera away and focus on driving and getting home safely) it was quarter and pea sized.  We were only about 2 miles from the house and then the pouring rain started along with the hail blast...  it was crazy. BUT we made it home safely.  the windows remained in tact.  The storm continued on its way---  and the hail picked up in size (to egg size) thankfully we did not have to deal with that.... Thank you Lord for keeping us all safe!!!!