Monday, September 30, 2013

fields of sunflowers

On my way to work one I know I was driving down the highway and something strange caught my eye. 
In an open field area all I could see was bright yellow. As far as the eye could see. 
I couldn't make it out, but knew it was something unusual and beautiful
The next morning, on my way home I was able to take a closer look.
SUNFLOWERS.  1.000's of sunflowers.
a strange, unusual sight in the middle of no where.  SO beautiful to see.
I already knew what I had to do, juts needed to figure out how to get there.
I spoke with my parents about them as well.  They had seen yet another field, just as beautiful.
It was a little closer and had better access.
so off we went.  Just the three us us.
to attempt to get a shot of this natural beauty.
along with my 2 beauties.
And so they smiled and I shot
and shot
and shot pictures of these cuties.
and amazing enough I caught some pretty cute ones.
so many in fact,
that is was hard to pick just
one or two....